No More Money for BBC from Me

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Lemon Quarter
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Re: No More Money for BBC from Me

Post by Gerry557 »

didds wrote:
Gerry557 wrote: So not simple to do, more worrying that its whole quarters rather than per day. In fact you make it sound quite terrible. I hope you are mistaken.

You loosing money is the BBCs gain, it could be behind the quarterly thing.
Its a few years since I last cancelled, so possibly I suppose its changed. But my historical understanding is cancellations only refund whole quarters remaining, whereas buying a license starts from "today" for a year form then.

rather like VED - cancellations only see whole months refunded, and in some ways it is worse as buying VED anew starts from the beginning of the month when purchased. eg buy VED on 30/8/2022 sees the VED start on 01/08/2022.
I just tried to buy to start next month, it defaults to :- Did you need a TV license previously - YES

I hope people notice that. I got as far as credit card details but it didnt give me a start date so I binned out and will try again next month!

Lemon Slice
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Re: No More Money for BBC from Me

Post by NotSure »

Arborbridge wrote:
I'm more with Clariman on this, though I agree it is a balance. I think he might have been responding to someone who wrote that films were not watchable unless in HD and with surround sound. I don't agree - most old films are not in high quality but they are still worth watching.

I have two sets of channels in my guide on the TV: one group says it's HD the other is, presumably, not. I can't tell the difference (or if there is, I don't notice), except that sometimes one is pixelated or loses signal so I switch to the other.
I couldn't care less, really - as long as it's good enough and I can see what's happening and following the plot.

And I use headphones most of the time.

HD is one thing, but HD and 4K are indistinguishable to someone with 20/20 vision and an 84" screen unless they sit within 5.5 ft. Seems a little overkill for most folk?

Lemon Quarter
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Re: No More Money for BBC from Me

Post by didds »

Gerry557 wrote: I just tried to buy to start next month, it defaults to :- Did you need a TV license previously - YES
and you cant change it ? (merely checking)

Lemon Quarter
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Re: No More Money for BBC from Me

Post by Gerry557 »

NotSure wrote:
Arborbridge wrote:
I'm more with Clariman on this, though I agree it is a balance. I think he might have been responding to someone who wrote that films were not watchable unless in HD and with surround sound. I don't agree - most old films are not in high quality but they are still worth watching.

I have two sets of channels in my guide on the TV: one group says it's HD the other is, presumably, not. I can't tell the difference (or if there is, I don't notice), except that sometimes one is pixelated or loses signal so I switch to the other.
I couldn't care less, really - as long as it's good enough and I can see what's happening and following the plot.

And I use headphones most of the time.

HD is one thing, but HD and 4K are indistinguishable to someone with 20/20 vision and an 84" screen unless they sit within 5.5 ft. Seems a little overkill for most folk?
I hope that is sarcasm or you need to check those figures.

Lemon Slice
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Re: No More Money for BBC from Me

Post by NotSure »

Gerry557 wrote:
NotSure wrote: HD is one thing, but HD and 4K are indistinguishable to someone with 20/20 vision and an 84" screen unless they sit within 5.5 ft. Seems a little overkill for most folk?
I hope that is sarcasm or you need to check those figures.
You are correct - my numbers not entirely accurate, but due to limited resolution of even a 'perfect' human eye, you'd have to sit about 5.5 ft from an 85" screen to get all the benefit of 4k. However, some improvement over HD may be noticed up to 10 ft or so (in contradiction to my post). Beyond that, they'll be perceived identically. But if your TV is say a mere 60", these numbers drop to about 4 ft and 8 ft respectively. Loads about this online, e.g.: ... -1080p-tv/

Lemon Quarter
Posts: 1142
Joined: September 2nd, 2019, 10:23 am

Re: No More Money for BBC from Me

Post by Gerry557 »

didds wrote:
Gerry557 wrote: I just tried to buy to start next month, it defaults to :- Did you need a TV license previously - YES
and you cant change it ? (merely checking)
Yes it can be changed but default setting could land you in trouble! Anyway I now have a license but haven't watched anything or even sure what I want to watch.

House of the Dragon or The Rings of Power might be on the list but no licence needed. Did find the following express article :- ... -for-money

Sounds like a good excuse to get an even bigger TV. I like the one they call "the wall" till then will have to make do with the 136" projector screen but don't watch any dvds unless you want to compare how bad they seem compared to bluray or UHDs.
Pity really as dvds are cheap now.

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