Positivity, Negatavity, Reality

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Lemon Half
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Re: Positivity, Negatavity, Reality

Post by UncleEbenezer »

Lootman wrote:
AsleepInYorkshire wrote:I've started to remove myself from the company of "negativity". I don't want to persuade it to reconsider anymore. It's not my job. If someone wants to be negative that's their call.
That aim becomes a lot easier when you stop working. It is places of work that seem to cause a lot of negativity, either from customers, fellow workers or bosses.

I have a similar distinction and that is between people who energise me and people who drain my energy. There are some people who seem to steal my life force when in my presence. The solution of course is to remove my presence, because you can't change other people.
You''re verging on something I've observed there.

There are people who bring out the best in me. And there are others whose company fails to stimulate. Which of course becomes mutual: my own company may be pleasant to the former but dull to the latter.

Add that to work tensions - like power relationships and rivalries of ambition - and perhaps you have what you describe.

Lemon Slice
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Re: Positivity, Negatavity, Reality

Post by modellingman »

terminal7 wrote:
doolally wrote: In the same way that London is near Cardiff
But London is in the SE and Cardiff is in Wales - surely Blyth and Scarborough are in the NE?

Depends how you define North East. In terms of the old Government Office regions Scarborough was in Yorkshire and the Humber whilst Blyth was in the North East proper. In terms of local accents they are at least as far apart as London and Bristol. Ee by gum vs why-ae man. I would get out more but I can't understand a word anybody says to me and I think I'm in danger of going NUTS 2.


Lemon Half
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Re: Positivity, Negatavity, Reality

Post by UncleEbenezer »

modellingman wrote:
terminal7 wrote: But London is in the SE and Cardiff is in Wales - surely Blyth and Scarborough are in the NE?

Depends how you define North East. In terms of the old Government Office regions Scarborough was in Yorkshire and the Humber whilst Blyth was in the North East proper. In terms of local accents they are at least as far apart as London and Bristol. Ee by gum vs why-ae man. I would get out more but I can't understand a word anybody says to me and I think I'm in danger of going NUTS 2.

What about in travel time?

London to Cardiff: under two hours on the train. Scarborough to Blyth, well over three hours. Or - from google maps - two and a half hours (if you're lucky, no delays) driving. You'd also have to pass a little to the west of the northern epicentre of Rishi's slush funds for his mates, the Teesside freeport

The full Lemon
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Re: Positivity, Negatavity, Reality

Post by Lootman »

UncleEbenezer wrote:What about in travel time?

London to Cardiff: under two hours on the train. Scarborough to Blyth, well over three hours. Or - from google maps - two and a half hours (if you're lucky, no delays) driving. You'd also have to pass a little to the west of the northern epicentre of Rishi's slush funds for his mates, the Teesside freeport
There used to be a railway line from Scarborough to Whitby. That was closed and so now you would have to take a bus, or else take a ridiculous detour via York and Darlington.

Silly really because you can still take a direct train from Hull to Scarborough and from Whitby to Newcastle.

Lemon Pip
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Re: Positivity, Negatavity, Reality

Post by roger4 »

Well done AiY. You are not alone and I applaud your actions. Perhaps you could do the same for my brother whose opening response is usually, "oh, I wouldn't do that if I were you". In all my experience with him I have never found him to see the "good" in anything, only the "bad".

Please keep smiling. If only because it drives the miserable nay-sayers crazy.


Lemon Slice
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Re: Positivity, Negatavity, Reality

Post by SimonS »

roger4 wrote:Well done AiY. You are not alone and I applaud your actions. Perhaps you could do the same for my brother whose opening response is usually, "oh, I wouldn't do that if I were you". In all my experience with him I have never found him to see the "good" in anything, only the "bad".

Please keep smiling. If only because it drives the miserable nay-sayers crazy.

Of course, it could have something to do with one's approach. I have a brother who consistently approaches one with 'good plans', making it seem as if one is at fault for not having foreseen and already participated in his scheme.

Faced with such ready blame, one needs to justify why this hasn't been done already...in which case of course one is a 'nay sayer' Indeed I have noticed that many of the hugely optimistic types employ the tactics and language of a double glazing salesman (should that be a triple glazing salesman now, Mr Everest?).

And just like Putin, they are all clued up on exactly why the negatvity is YOUR fault. But I did notice how many optimists who advocated rate tarting, switching utilities and so forth were quick to demand that 'the Government' (ie Other people) bail them out when their corner cutting utility company went bankrupt, or demand bigger handouts for 'child care' because it costs them more than they earn to 'have a nanny" instead of being a mother (So many relentlessly upbeat people telling them how much more rewarding it is to 'work' and to employ other people to raise baby). And one wonders whether AiY will be advocating bigger grants to people who have increased their mortgage beyond their ability to repay as the rates rise to, what , 15%?

Some times nay saying is just an expression of a difference of opinion.

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