Liz & KK?

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Lemon Half
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Liz & KK?

Post by monabri »

Well, the summary on Mark Garnier is correct...Mr Sugartits himself! ... r-41917982

Boris..surprised they could summarise on a single line!

Matt the photographic debate.

Mark Menzies.... male Brazilian rent boy. ... laims.html

Liam Fox -


Liz Truss ! Well, the first part of the summary is true but sexual relationship with her newly appointed Chancellor? Surely that can't be true?

source ... sT0KNjm4Bg

The full Lemon
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Re: Liz & KK?

Post by XFool »

I'm really intrigued what "odd things" Rory Stewart asked female researchers to do... (allegedly)

Is it just me?

Lemon Quarter
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Re: Liz & KK?

Post by scrumpyjack »

XFool wrote:I'm really intrigued what "odd things" Rory Stewart asked female researchers to do... (allegedly)

Is it just me?
Why, what did you try to get them to do? :D

Lemon Half
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Re: Liz & KK?

Post by redsturgeon »

KK and Amber Rudd too!!!

Lemon Half
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Re: Liz & KK?

Post by mc2fool »

monabri wrote:Liz Truss ! Well, the first part of the summary is true but sexual relationship with her newly appointed Chancellor? Surely that can't be true?
"Fornicated" with male researchers?!? Curious wording given everywhere else, including on that line with KK, it uses "sexual relations".

And Amber Rudd had a "workplace relationship" (?) with Kwasi Kwarteng? I'd have thought everyone has a workplace relationship with their work colleagues, or does that mean sex in the workplace, like on top of the photocopier?

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Re: Liz & KK?

Post by Mike4 »

mc2fool wrote:
monabri wrote:Liz Truss ! Well, the first part of the summary is true but sexual relationship with her newly appointed Chancellor? Surely that can't be true?
"Fornicated" with male researchers?!? Curious wording given everywhere else, including on that line with KK, it uses "sexual relations".

And Amber Rudd had a "workplace relationship" (?) with Kwasi Kwarteng? I'd have thought everyone has a workplace relationship with their work colleagues, or does that mean sex in the workplace, like on top of the photocopier?

I wondered about that too. surely when you are married (as Mrs Truss - to use her correct title - is), the term for having sex with someone not your spouse is adultery, not fornication.

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Re: Liz & KK?

Post by Hallucigenia »

Mike4 wrote:I wondered about that too. surely when you are married (as Mrs Truss - to use her correct title - is), the term for having sex with someone not your spouse is adultery, not fornication.
It's also the literal definition of fornication, archaic and biblical but one can imagine that the person drawing up the list had the sort of background where they would understand that.

As for KK and Rudd - "workplace relationship" clearly reads as some kind of ongoing sexual relationship with a colleague, I've seen suggestions they had an on-off thing going for a while. (and this list dates from a few years ago, KK only got married quite recently).

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Re: Liz & KK?

Post by AF62 »

Mike4 wrote:as Mrs Truss - to use her correct title
Or more correctly The Rt Hon Elizabeth Truss, but irrespective of that, addressing someone as ‘Mrs’ rather than the individual’s choice of ‘Ms’ is rather poor form.

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Re: Liz & KK?

Post by chas49 »

AF62 wrote:
Mike4 wrote:as Mrs Truss - to use her correct title
Or more correctly The Rt Hon Elizabeth Truss, but irrespective of that, addressing someone as ‘Mrs’ rather than the individual’s choice of ‘Ms’ is rather poor form.

It's also incorrect as Truss is her actual surname not that of her husband (Hugh O'Leary), so she's quite entitled to choose to continue to use her family name. She can be Miss or Ms Truss or Mrs O'Leary. Mrs Truss would be wrong surely?

Anyway, we digress.... looks like an 'interesting' list there!

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Re: Liz & KK?

Post by Rhyd6 »

I thought it was a factual account, seems it's no different to our Knit & Natter get togethers, commonly known as Stitch & Bitch. Mind you after discovering the truth about JM and EC, not to mention JP screwing his PA on the desk and forgetting to close the door what do you expect. It's always been like that, ask anyone who worked in the typing pool in Downing St. and you'd really get some interesting gossip.


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Re: Liz & KK?

Post by swill453 »

chas49 wrote:Mrs Truss would be wrong surely?
Not at all, if she chose to do so. I know women happy to be referred to as Mrs <not husband's surname>.


Lemon Quarter
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Re: Liz & KK?

Post by AF62 »

swill453 wrote:
chas49 wrote:Mrs Truss would be wrong surely?
Not at all, if she chose to do so. I know women happy to be referred to as Mrs <not husband's surname>.
Including my wife - mainly because she didn’t want to go through life spelling out my (always misspelt) surname…

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