A milestone.

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Lemon Quarter
Posts: 1142
Joined: September 2nd, 2019, 10:23 am

Re: A milestone.

Post by Gerry557 »

redsturgeon wrote:I think I passed one last night.

Had a lovely dinner with my daughter and her boyfriend, soon to be husband, outdoors in central London in a great family run old school Italian.

At the end of the meal we asked for the bill and I was preparing to pay as usual. My daughter got up to visit the loo and when she returned she announced that she had settled to bill and we could leave.

Very warm feeling to know that you have brought up your children to give as well as receive.

That is until you see video of the three of you on social media asking does anyone recognise these people who forgot to pay!

She did make sure you had your jogging shoes on!

Seriously enjoy the moment

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