Big Bong

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Lemon Slice
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Big Bong

Post by Bminusrob »

Oh dear. I think the Queen's funeral has affected my mind. As they are marching with the coffin, to the sound of military bands, Big Ben keeps ringing, and it reminds me exactly of The Padstow Lifeboat - a brass band piece by Malcolm Arnold, where the sound of a fog horn is heard at regular intervals, completely out of key. Sorry. RIP Ma'am.

Lemon Quarter
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Re: Big Bong

Post by Clariman »

Bminusrob wrote:Oh dear. I think the Queen's funeral has affected my mind. As they are marching with the coffin, to the sound of military bands, Big Ben keeps ringing, and it reminds me exactly of The Padstow Lifeboat - a brass band piece by Malcolm Arnold, where the sound of a fog horn is heard at regular intervals, completely out of key. Sorry. RIP Ma'am.
I know the piece well and can see why it reminded you of it :D

Lemon Quarter
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Re: Big Bong

Post by MrFoolish »

All those soldiers in their red tunics, marching through the countryside reminded me of Trumpton.

Lemon Quarter
Posts: 2401
Joined: November 4th, 2016, 3:36 pm

Re: Big Bong

Post by jfgw »

I came to this thread thinking it was about drugs ;)

Julian F. G. W.

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