Delighted that they've found a suitable role for Duke of York

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Lemon Quarter
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Delighted that they've found a suitable role for Duke of York

Post by Clariman »

Lemon Half
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Re: Delighted that they've found a suitable role for Duke of York

Post by AsleepInYorkshire »

Are they joining him in "the dog house"?


Lemon Quarter
Posts: 1540
Joined: November 4th, 2016, 6:38 pm

Re: Delighted that they've found a suitable role for Duke of York

Post by Sorcery »

From the BBC article :
Muick, pronounced "Mick", is a corgi, named after Loch Muick, on the royal Balmoral estate.

Fergus, a dorgi, was named after the Queen's maternal uncle, Captain Fergus Bowes-Lyon, who was killed in action during World War One. The puppy died in May aged just five months, reportedly due to a heart defect. The Queen was said to be devastated.

Prince Andrew then gave her another corgi puppy, Sandy, on her official 95th birthday.
That's so bad it's good. :lol:

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