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Lemon Half
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Re: Scones

Post by Arborbridge »

jfgw wrote:If the jam is thicker than the cream, put the jam on first.

If the cream is thicker than the jam, put the cream on first.


Julian F. G. W.
I agree, but the cream is usually the thicker - given decent Devon or Cornish cream! Who uses runny cream?

Lemon Quarter
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Re: Scones

Post by dionaeamuscipula »

garfsuncle wrote:OK, so having (not really) solved the question of the correct pronunciation of “vermouth”, does anyone know for sure whether “scone” should rhyme with “stone” or “gone”? And what should be spread on one first, the jam or the cream?
It rhymes with "boon". Everyone knows that.


Lemon Quarter
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Re: Scones

Post by didds »

jfgw wrote:If the jam is thicker than the cream, put the jam on first.

If the cream is thicker than the jam, put the cream on first.


Julian F. G. W.

where do you put the marmite?

Lemon Half
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Re: Scones

Post by servodude »

didds wrote:
jfgw wrote:If the jam is thicker than the cream, put the jam on first.

If the cream is thicker than the jam, put the cream on first.


Julian F. G. W.

where do you put the marmite?
....if you have to ask ;)

Lemon Pip
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Re: Scones

Post by garfsuncle »

Now you’ve all expressed your views, I’ll give you my opinion as someone born, raised and educated in south Devon, but having moved to London to work just before my 17th birthday. My grandmother said “scon”, my mother and everyone else I remember from my childhood said “scone”, and no-one I ever knew in Devon would dream of putting the cream on first. And no, they should definitely NOT contain fruit - unless you are eating them buttered, ie no cream.


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