Royal memories

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Lemon Quarter
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Royal memories

Post by brightncheerful »

For the Silver Jubilee, I slept overnight in The Mall to watch the procession next day.

I did the same for Charles and Diana's Wedding.

I have visited inside Buckingham Palace and unaccompanied (except by Mrs Bnc) ambled around the same floor that Charles and Diana danced on.

As an invited guest, I attended a friend's wedding ceremony at St George's chapel, Windsor. Friend's father was an equerry.

On two separate occasions, I have visited the gardens at Highgrove, on a guided your and afterwards to wander around freely. One of the flower beds is of tulips all of the The Queen's tracing colours.

On the occasion of his mother's Golden Jubilee, i wrote a long letter to Prince Charles (I had been meaning to do so for some time) and received a lovely reply that was signed by his secretary's secretary.

When HM The Queen visited our town I stood outside the venue amongst the gathered throng for two hours to catch o glimpse of her for a second.

Had I continued for another I year as Chairman of our local civic society and registered charity, I and not my successor, would have met HM The Queen when she visited Hereford some years ago.

On a bookcase in my office I have a certificate awarded to me in 1995 and which is signed by the then Duke of Westminster,

At Chatsworth House, Mrs Bnc and I chatted with the Duke of Devonshire.

And amongst all those memories one that I also treasure is knowing that our landlord, Beerpig, attended a Royal garden party.

The full Lemon
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Joined: October 10th, 2017, 11:33 am

Re: Royal memories

Post by Dod101 »

Well for what it is worth, I too have attended a Royal garden party, but I suspect that, like many others there, I was making up the numbers. Invites are sent to various Lords Lieutenants, who pass a lot of them to their deputies, who pass them to local churchmen and others involved in their communities and so names go forward.

In the event, my late wife and I spoke to a lot of worthies and caught a glimpse of the Queen. My wife enjoyed the experience,


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