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Lemon Slice
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Re: Apparently...

Post by simsqu »

Snorvey wrote: I'd stay away from this thread if I were you. There might be a little bit of light relief (nothing nasty) that may offend the easily offended.
I think that's about right for this board.

I'm certainly more republican-leaning than monarchist, and I think some of the dreadful spongers and hangers-on around her should be sold for medical experiments, or possibly ground up for dogfood, but I would be hard put to think of too many occasions over her ridiculously long reign where she's gone completely off the reservation.

So absolutely, she deserves our respect.

I just hope the media don't go completely Pete Tong over this, as they did with the DoE: it's just completely counter-productive and puts people off. Also, most of us do not know Her Maj personally, so there is no need for over-the-top mawkish hysterical breast-beating - so undignified and I doubt Queenie would approve.

However, perfectly happy for Celebrity Masterchef to be postponed, or if poss, cancelled.

Lemon Quarter
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Re: Apparently...

Post by scotview »

I have a lot of admiration for the Queen.

She has set a great example of duty and history. I feel that she has been a thread running through my childhood and into my old age.

She is a much needed symbol of dignity in a current UK which is very much into "now what can I get out of this for myself".

I doubt that the Union is going to be stronger in the not too distant future and that gives me a deal of concern.

Lemon Half
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Re: Apparently...

Post by swill453 »

Is it possible she's already gone, and they're just waiting for the family to assemble before they announce it?


Lemon Quarter
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Re: Apparently...

Post by Clariman »

swill453 wrote:Is it possible she's already gone, and they're just waiting for the family to assemble before they announce it?

I think that is quite a possibility. Black ties on BBC news for a while now.

Lemon Half
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Re: Apparently...

Post by mc2fool »

Snorvey wrote:But this the thing, she was born into it.
Actually she wasn't. She only became in line to the monarchy at 10 years old when her uncle Edward VIII abdicated to marry Wallis Simpson, making her dad George VI king and hence her the heir presumptive (presumptive 'cos only if George didn't subsequently have a son).

Of course, if Edward hadn't abdicated but (still) didn't have any children, it would have gone to Lilibet eventually anyway, but if he'd had a child then she'd just be a minor royal, akin to princesses beatrice and eugenie.

Lemon Half
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Re: Apparently...

Post by bungeejumper »

Well, the Grauniad certainly isn't waiting on events. ... s-scotland discusses the detailed plans for getting her out of Scotland if she expires at Balmoral. Discussing the movements of the coffin does seem a little, ahem, insensitive. :? I mean, it's not like they'll have to ask Nicola for an export licence, is it?


Lemon Quarter
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Re: Apparently...

Post by nimnarb »

She's gone! :cry: RIP.

Lemon Half
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Re: Apparently...

Post by mc2fool »

mc2fool wrote:
UncleEbenezer wrote:It seems entirely fitting that the broadcast media will have some programmes about her, hopefully including things they didn't feature in that ghastly orgy of humbuggery just three months ago. But past experience suggests they'll go way OTT, and the pulling of at least one regular programme this afternoon seemed like an ominous sign. :evil:
If the passing of Phil the Greek is anything to go by the Beeb will turn over their entire broadcast output over to exactly the same programme. ... 10#p403010. Plus BBC Three, which has returned to air since, and I expect this time the red button channel too.
As predicted ... although it really didn't take much of a crystal ball....

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