The mind boggles

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Lemon Half
Posts: 7157
Joined: November 8th, 2016, 2:30 pm

The mind boggles

Post by bungeejumper »

The missus and I have been feeling a bit peaky for a couple of days - tired, slightly dizzy, and a bit of a temperature perhaps. Might be the latest edition of covid, for all we know? So this afternoon we received a delivery from Amazon, containing a digital thermometer.

Suitable for oral, underarm or rectal use, the label says. :? You poke it into the relevant body orifice for 60 seconds, and then it beeps to tell you it's reached a verdict. If it doesn't, you're presumably dead.

But it was the cardboard packaging envelope from Amazon that really caught my eye. Sealed with a damn great warning sticker, showing what seems to be an explosion. And with advice on how to urgently contact emergency agencies with a Global Response Access Code that will bring International Rescue thundering to my door in seconds.
Just what do Amazon think I've got up my rectum? I think we'll settle for the mouth, guys, if it's all the same to you. No point in taking risks. :shock:


Lemon Half
Posts: 5855
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Re: The mind boggles

Post by pje16 »

I'd be using underarm :lol:
Do you feel like you have brainfog (not interested in anything, can't concentrate etc)

Lemon Half
Posts: 7157
Joined: November 8th, 2016, 2:30 pm

Re: The mind boggles

Post by bungeejumper »

pje16 wrote:Do you feel like you have brainfog (not interested in anything, can't concentrate etc)
Werlll, it's the human condition, innit? Unless it's the pinot noir, of course. ;)


Lemon Half
Posts: 5855
Joined: May 30th, 2021, 6:01 pm

Re: The mind boggles

Post by pje16 »

So it's booze for medicinal purposes (of course) :D

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