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Getting Price data from Yahoo

Posted: January 25th, 2018, 4:12 pm
by Grumpsimus
I am building a spreadsheet to contain information about the shares I hold. I am using Numbers the Apple spreadsheet program, Which has a useful function called STOCK, that allows the download of a look of information about each share, in particular the previous days closing price.

STOCK uses EPIC codes to identify indivual shares and has worked well for most shares, expect for BT(BT.A) and Compass(CPG), which don't seem to work. STOCK gets the information from Yahoo Finance. Yahoo only seems to have the US listing for BT in Dollars and no London listing. However, it has the London listing for Compass and all the Information about it.

I note that HYPTUSS uses Yahoo for prices and works for both BT.A and Compass. Has anyone got any idea what the problem could be?

Re: Getting Price data from Yahoo

Posted: January 25th, 2018, 4:43 pm
by kiloran
I've no knowledge of Numbers, but the BT.A Epic is BT-A.L in Yahoo terminology, so you might want to try BT-A instead of BT.A

Absolutely no idea what the CPG issue might be


Re: Getting Price data from Yahoo

Posted: January 25th, 2018, 10:56 pm
by Grumpsimus
kiloran wrote:I've no knowledge of Numbers, but the BT.A Epic is BT-A.L in Yahoo terminology, so you might want to try BT-A instead of BT.A

Absolutely no idea what the CPG issue might be

Thanks Kiloran, BT now works, I did not know that Yahoo uses its own version of EPIC.

I have been testing this further with all the EPIC codes from the FT100, the only ones which don't work are Ferguson, Scottish Mortgage Investment Trust and Compass. It has got slightly more mysterious, previously CPG.L returned nothing and now it returns the name of the share in lower case letters, but not the price or any other information. For all the other shares the name is always in Capitals, together with the price and other information.

I am beginning to strongly suspect that it is a Yahoo problem.