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Standard Life Aberdeen missing on digital look

Posted: December 16th, 2017, 11:44 am
by NeilW
Anybody else been missing Standard Life Aberdeen on the HYPTUSS download recently.

Just wondering if it's just me.

Re: Standard Life Aberdeen missing on digital look

Posted: December 16th, 2017, 11:47 am
by vrdiver
Go to the "Digital Look Data Sheet and change SL to SLA and the entry in column A to "/equity/Standard_Life_Plc-826449"

Hope that helps.


Re: Standard Life Aberdeen missing on digital look

Posted: December 16th, 2017, 11:47 am
by kiloran
Not just you, Neil. See: ... 74#p100501

I've sent a couple of messages to DL but no response.


Re: Standard Life Aberdeen missing on digital look

Posted: January 10th, 2018, 12:29 pm
by Dochas
I missed it as well and last night emailed the administrator who acknowledged my email this morning. I see it is now fixed.

Re: Standard Life Aberdeen missing on digital look

Posted: January 10th, 2018, 1:04 pm
by kiloran
Dochas wrote:I missed it as well and last night emailed the administrator who acknowledged my email this morning. I see it is now fixed.
Indeed it is! Thank you!

What magic incantation did you use to get them to listen to you? I have NEVER had a response from them when I have highlighted a problem.


Re: Standard Life Aberdeen missing on digital look

Posted: January 10th, 2018, 1:20 pm
by kiloran
kiloran wrote:
Dochas wrote:I missed it as well and last night emailed the administrator who acknowledged my email this morning. I see it is now fixed.
Indeed it is! Thank you!

What magic incantation did you use to get them to listen to you? I have NEVER had a response from them when I have highlighted a problem.

Things have apparently changed for the better!

I looked at and noticed that Standard Life Aberdeen is listed as SL. It should be SLA. I decided to report it to see if things have improved. Previously, problems were reported via a web form, but I see it is now via email. I reported the problem and got a reply from a spanish lass within 7 minutes thanking me for highlighting the error and saying she will report it to the tech team.


Re: Standard Life Aberdeen missing on digital look

Posted: January 10th, 2018, 2:44 pm
by kiloran
kiloran wrote:
kiloran wrote: Indeed it is! Thank you!

What magic incantation did you use to get them to listen to you? I have NEVER had a response from them when I have highlighted a problem.

Things have apparently changed for the better!

I looked at and noticed that Standard Life Aberdeen is listed as SL. It should be SLA. I decided to report it to see if things have improved. Previously, problems were reported via a web form, but I see it is now via email. I reported the problem and got a reply from a spanish lass within 7 minutes thanking me for highlighting the error and saying she will report it to the tech team.

And within 1 hour, they've fixed the problem. This bodes well.

If you have a problem with data on the DigitalLook replacement site, click on CONTACT at the bottom of the page and it should set up an email to


Re: Standard Life Aberdeen missing on digital look

Posted: January 11th, 2018, 10:36 am
by Dochas
yep, I too emailed and overnight a lady called Noemi Barrientos emailed me back acknowledging receipt. Within a hour or so the issue was sorted. Sounds like customer services has been given a makeover.