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Bash script to display a series of graphs on different tabs

Posted: December 12th, 2017, 6:59 pm
by schober
I have written a bash script which works on linux boxes. (tested on ububtu 8 & puppy wary 5.3)
It downloads just the charts from stockcharts

I used a box with a P4 cpu and 256mb ram - the script has very low hardware demands - no java!!!!! and page loads are very fast (even with puppy using up some of that ram)

For other versions of linux you may need to change the last lines depending on how your console calls your default browser this may need some googling or asking qus on user forums

Only got a windows box?
Then use puppy - it runs as a live cd

Any interest?

Re: Bash script to display a series of graphs on different tabs

Posted: December 12th, 2017, 7:16 pm
by Itsallaguess
schober wrote:
Only got a windows box?
We've got something similar that works on HTML and hence cross-platform, and just loads into whatever browser you want to use.

Some details here, and also a link to the example HTML file, which can be edited in a simple text editor to suit the appropriate EPIC list that anyone wants to use -

http://lemonfoolfinancialsoftware.weebl ... harts.html

http://lemonfoolfinancialsoftware.weebl ... _v2_0.html



Re: Bash script to display a series of graphs on different tabs

Posted: December 12th, 2017, 7:42 pm
by kiloran
There's many ways to skin a cat (and I like skinning cats :D )

Can you publish your Bash script, I'm sure we (or, at least I) could learn something from it.


Re: Bash script to display a series of graphs on different tabs

Posted: December 13th, 2017, 1:40 am
by Breelander
schober wrote:Only got a windows box?
Then use puppy - it runs as a live cd
You do know that Windows 10 has been able to run native Linux apps/commands for over a year now?
How-To Geek wrote:Windows 10’s Anniversary Update offers a big new feature for developers: A full, Ubuntu-based Bash shell that can run Linux software directly on Windows. ... indows-10/

Re: Bash script to display a series of graphs on different tabs

Posted: December 13th, 2017, 11:55 am
by schober
Hi all
1) yes, i'm aware of the LC html script
2) My script works very well if you have tab wheel scrolling (sea monkey & chrome do, palemoon doesnt)
3) You get a series of tabs like this - couldnt post url!
4) This is it
Save it as stckchrts & make it executable
Open up a terminal window
Type the command stckchrts and follow the instructions; use newline for each entry
Lines 42/43 may need attention depending on your OS

Code: Select all

echo "Enter Mkt then Stocks & end with xx"
echo "US = us; UK = uk; Canada = ca; Venture exchge = v"
while read line; do
	if [[ $line = "xx" ]]; then break; fi
	let i=i+1 #$(($i+1))
done  #< "$file" #/home/mike/Documents/Signet/b_charts

echo "req    ${req[@]}"
echo "req0   ${req[0]}"
mkt=$(echo "$mk" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')   # convert to lower case
echo "Mkt $mkt"

a1=$(echo ${req[@]} | rev | cut -d" "  --complement -f1 | rev) # remove last item (xx)
a2=$(echo ${a1[@]} | cut -d" "  --complement -f1)  # remove first item (uk, us, ca)
a3=$(echo "$a2" | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]')  # convert to upper case
arr=(${a3})                                                  # convert string to array
echo "Stock list is  ${arr[@]}"
for t in "${arr[@]}" 
if [ "$mkt" == "us" ]
 then end="&p=D&yr=1&mn=0&dy=0&i=t18680472715&r=1503841764277"
elif [ "$mkt" == "uk" ]
 then end=".L&p=D&yr=5&mn=0&dy=0&i=t40345613568&r=1503767028109"
elif [ "$mkt" == "ca" ]
 then end=".TO&p=D&yr=5&mn=0&dy=0&i=t77110325637&r=1503766992765"
elif [ "$mkt" == "v" ]
 then end=".V&p=D&yr=5&mn=0&dy=0&i=t88088727052&r=1503768309990"
echo " url is $url"
#x-www-browser $url		# use in ubuntu
defaultbrowser $url		# use in puppy - default stored in file /usr/local/bin/defaultbrowser

Re: Bash script to display a series of graphs on different tabs

Posted: December 16th, 2017, 10:10 pm
by desmid
Hi schober

Thanks for putting up your script to access Nice idea. I was intrigued by bash arrays and, it being a boring Saturday night, had a poke around. Um, it sort of, er, evolved... no new functionality unfortunately (I wanted to add DAX tickers, but no dice), however people might find it interesting and perhaps easier to modify. Anyway, it turns out that bash arrays aren't really needed (bash can loop happily over space separated strings), also I've broken things out into a lot of small functions and put in some error messages. I've tried it with firefox and chrome and it seems ok, firing off multiple tabs just fine.

As with your original 'stckchrts' script, the thing can be driven from the command line interactively:

Code: Select all

    bash  stckchrts2
or by supplying a pre-prepared file with the market code name (us, uk, ca, v) on the first line, followed by one or more tickers on subsequent lines:

Code: Select all

    bash  stckchrts2  <  data_file
Save the following as 'stckchrts2':

Code: Select all


#URL bases

#Which browser? choose from: { firefox, chrome, system, none }

#If you want to use a particular firefox profile, set it here

#Seconds to delay between browser calls


#reads until non-empty string or xx or EOF (^D)
#returns value read in variable named in $1
read_until () {
    local line
    while read line; do
        [[ "$line" = "xx" ]] && return    #finished
        [[ -z "$line" ]]     && continue  #skip blank
        eval "$var=$line"

#reads all non-blank strings until xx or EOF (^D)
#returns concatenated strings in variable named in $1
read_while () {
    local line
    while read line; do
        [[ "$line" = "xx" ]] && return    #finished
        [[ -z "$line" ]]     && continue  #skip blank
        eval "$var+=' $line'"             #append with leading blank

#Sets globals:
#  'market' as lowercase string
#  'epics' as string of space-separated uppercase epics
read_data () {
    echo "Enter Mkt then Stocks & end with xx or hit ^D (or ^C to abort)"
    echo "US = us; UK = uk; Canada = ca; Venture exchge = v"

    read_until market
    [[ -z "$market" ]] && echo "no market supplied"  1>&2 && exit 1

    read_while epics
    [[ -z "$epics" ]]  && echo "no epics supplied" 1>&2 && exit 1

    market=$(echo $market | tr 'A-Z' 'a-z')  #to lower
    epics=$(echo $epics   | tr 'a-z' 'A-Z')  #to upper

#Builds a URL from components; sets global 'url'
assemble_url () {
    shift; shift
    for i in $*; do

#Builds a URL for stockcharts
stockcharts_url () {
    case $1 in
            assemble_url $STOCKCHARTS_URL_BASE s=$2 \
                p=D yr=5 mn=0 dy=0 i=t18680472715 r=1503841764277
            assemble_url $STOCKCHARTS_URL_BASE s=$2.L \
                p=D yr=5 mn=0 dy=0 i=t40345613568 r=1503767028109
            assemble_url $STOCKCHARTS_URL_BASE s=$2.TO \
                p=D yr=5 mn=0 dy=0 i=t77110325637 r=1503766992765
            assemble_url $STOCKCHARTS_URL_BASE s=$2.V \
                p=D yr=5 mn=0 dy=0 i=t88088727052 r=1503768309990
            echo "unknown market '$1'" 1>&2
            exit 1

#Start or connect to a running web browser and open a URL in a new tab
#Discard annoying shell error messages from firefox
browse () {
    case $BROWSER in
            browse_firefox --new-tab "$@"
            browse_chrome --new-tab "$@"
            browse_system --new-tab "$@"
            #echo browse: none "$@"
            browse_system --new-tab "$@"
    esac |& grep -v GLib-GObject-CRITICAL | grep -v '^ *$'

browse_firefox () {
    #echo browse: firefox $@ && return
    if [[ -x /usr/bin/firefox ]]; then
        /usr/bin/firefox $FIREFOX_PROFILE "$@"
    firefox $FIREFOX_PROFILE "$@"
browse_chrome () {
    #echo browse: chrome $@ && return
    if [[ -x /usr/bin/google-chrome ]]; then
        /usr/bin/google-chrome "$@"
    google-chrome "$@"

browse_system () {
    #echo browse: system $@ && return
    if [[ -x /usr/local/bin/defaultbrowser ]]; then
        /usr/local/bin/defaultbrowser "$@"  #puppy linux
    if [[ -x /usr/bin/x-www-browser ]]; then
        /usr/bin/x-www-browser "$@"         #ubuntu

# main

[[ -z "$market" ]] && echo "no market supplied" 1>&2 && exit 1
[[ -z "$epics" ]]  && echo "no epics supplied"  1>&2 && exit 1

echo "market: $market"
echo "epics: $epics"

#iterate over the epics, build a URL, and invoke a browser in the background
for epic in $epics; do
    stockcharts_url $market $epic
    echo "url: $url"
    browse $url &
    sleep $BROWSER_DELAY

exit 0

Re: Bash script to display a series of graphs on different tabs

Posted: December 17th, 2017, 8:00 pm
by schober
Thanks for the input desmid. You look to be on a higher paygrade than me!
I tried your version and got this error

/root/my-applications/bin/stckchrtslem: line 115: syntax error near unexpected token `&'
/root/my-applications/bin/stckchrtslem: line 115: ` esac | & grep -v GLib-GObject-CRITICAL | grep -v '^ *$''

Im using GNU bash, version 3.00.16(1)-release (i486-t2-linux-gnu)

The browser call at lines 42/43 can simply done with
mozilla $url

and this calls Sea Monkey

Re: Bash script to display a series of graphs on different tabs

Posted: December 18th, 2017, 1:34 am
by desmid
schober wrote:Thanks for the input desmid. You look to be on a higher paygrade than me!
I tried your version and got this error

/root/my-applications/bin/stckchrtslem: line 115: syntax error near unexpected token `&'
/root/my-applications/bin/stckchrtslem: line 115: ` esac | & grep -v GLib-GObject-CRITICAL | grep -v '^ *$''

Im using GNU bash, version 3.00.16(1)-release (i486-t2-linux-gnu)

The browser call at lines 42/43 can simply done with
mozilla $url

and this calls Sea Monkey
Heh! I wish - I'd like to be on any paygrade right now... :)

The bug at line 115 must be a bash version thing - since mine is GNU bash 4.3.11(1), I suppose the "|&" construct (that I use in zsh) might be newer. Attached is another version with that hopefully fixed in the older redirection syntax.

I just installed SeaMonkey to try out - looks useful, especially with the dire things Mozilla are doing to firefox vis-à-vis add-ons, so I might switch - thanks for the pointer.

This version of the code purports to know about seamonkey aka mozilla as well, but you might have to adapt it (if interested, that is):

Code: Select all


#URL bases

#Which browser? choose from: { firefox, seamonkey, chrome, system, none }

#If you want to use a particular firefox/seamonkey profile, set it here

#Seconds to delay between browser calls


#reads until non-empty string or xx or EOF (^D)
#returns value read in variable named in $1
read_until () {
    local line
    while read line; do
        [[ "$line" = "xx" ]] && return    #finished
        [[ -z "$line" ]]     && continue  #skip blank
        eval "$var=$line"

#reads all non-blank strings until xx or EOF (^D)
#returns concatenated strings in variable named in $1
read_while () {
    local line
    while read line; do
        [[ "$line" = "xx" ]] && return    #finished
        [[ -z "$line" ]]     && continue  #skip blank
        eval "$var+=' $line'"             #append with leading blank

#Sets globals:
#  'market' as lowercase string
#  'epics' as string of space-separated uppercase epics
read_data () {
    echo "Enter Mkt then Stocks & end with xx or hit ^D (or ^C to abort)"
    echo "US = us; UK = uk; Canada = ca; Venture exchge = v"

    read_until market
    [[ -z "$market" ]] && echo "no market supplied"  1>&2 && exit 1

    read_while epics
    [[ -z "$epics" ]]  && echo "no epics supplied" 1>&2 && exit 1

    market=$(echo $market | tr 'A-Z' 'a-z')  #to lower
    epics=$(echo $epics   | tr 'a-z' 'A-Z')  #to upper

#Builds a URL from components; sets global 'url'
assemble_url () {
    shift; shift
    for i in $*; do

#Builds a URL for stockcharts
stockcharts_url () {
    case $1 in
            assemble_url $STOCKCHARTS_URL_BASE s=$2 \
                p=D yr=5 mn=0 dy=0 i=t18680472715 r=1503841764277
            assemble_url $STOCKCHARTS_URL_BASE s=$2.L \
                p=D yr=5 mn=0 dy=0 i=t40345613568 r=1503767028109
            assemble_url $STOCKCHARTS_URL_BASE s=$2.TO \
                p=D yr=5 mn=0 dy=0 i=t77110325637 r=1503766992765
            assemble_url $STOCKCHARTS_URL_BASE s=$2.V \
                p=D yr=5 mn=0 dy=0 i=t88088727052 r=1503768309990
            echo "unknown market '$1'" 1>&2
            exit 1

#Start or connect to a running web browser and open a URL in a new tab
#Discard annoying shell error messages from firefox
browse () {
    case $BROWSER in
            browse_firefox --new-tab "$@"
            browse_seamonkey --new-tab "$@"
            browse_chrome --new-tab "$@"
            browse_system --new-tab "$@"
            #echo browse: none "$@"
            browse_system --new-tab "$@"
    esac 2>&1 | grep -v GLib-GObject-CRITICAL | grep -v '^ *$' 1>&2

browse_firefox () {
    #echo browse: firefox $@ && return
    if [[ -x /usr/bin/firefox ]]; then
        /usr/bin/firefox $FIREFOX_PROFILE "$@"
    #try user's path
    firefox $FIREFOX_PROFILE "$@"
browse_seamonkey () {
    #echo browse: seamonkey $@ && return
    #try to find seamonkey or mozilla in likely places
    if [[ -x /usr/local/bin/mozilla ]]; then
        /usr/local/bin/mozilla $FIREFOX_PROFILE "$@"
    if [[ -x /usr/local/bin/seamonkey ]]; then
        /usr/local/bin/seamonkey $FIREFOX_PROFILE "$@"
    #try user's path
    mozilla $FIREFOX_PROFILE "$@" > /dev/null 2>&1 || seamonkey $FIREFOX_PROFILE "$@"

browse_chrome () {
    #echo browse: chrome $@ && return
    if [[ -x /usr/bin/google-chrome ]]; then
        /usr/bin/google-chrome "$@"
    #try user's path
    google-chrome "$@"

browse_system () {
    #echo browse: system $@ && return
    if [[ -x /usr/local/bin/defaultbrowser ]]; then
        /usr/local/bin/defaultbrowser "$@"  #puppy linux
    if [[ -x /usr/bin/x-www-browser ]]; then
        /usr/bin/x-www-browser "$@"         #ubuntu

# main

[[ -z "$market" ]] && echo "no market supplied" 1>&2 && exit 1
[[ -z "$epics" ]]  && echo "no epics supplied"  1>&2 && exit 1

echo "market: $market"
echo "epics: $epics"

#iterate over the epics, build a URL, and invoke a browser in the background
for epic in $epics; do
    stockcharts_url $market $epic
    echo "url: $url"
    browse $url &
    sleep $BROWSER_DELAY

exit 0

Re: Bash script to display a series of graphs on different tabs

Posted: December 19th, 2017, 10:24 am
by schober
Tried v2 but there seems to be an error early on; unfortunately my bash knowledge isn't up to finding the mistake. I got this

# stckchrtslem
Enter Mkt then Stocks & end with xx or hit ^D (or ^C to abort)
US = us; UK = uk; Canada = ca; Venture exchge = v
/root/my-applications/bin/stckchrtslem: line 41: epics+= pru: command not found

Re: Bash script to display a series of graphs on different tabs

Posted: December 19th, 2017, 3:46 pm
by desmid
schober wrote:Tried v2 but there seems to be an error early on; unfortunately my bash knowledge isn't up to finding the mistake. I got this

# stckchrtslem
Enter Mkt then Stocks & end with xx or hit ^D (or ^C to abort)
US = us; UK = uk; Canada = ca; Venture exchge = v
/root/my-applications/bin/stckchrtslem: line 41: epics+= pru: command not found
Interesting - this has the same bash version feel as the previous problem and I note that your test environments (ububtu 8 & puppy wary 5.3, from your original post) are about 8 and 6 years old, respectively. Fair enough, since Puppy is targeted at small/old hardware.

I've changed the script to use the lowest common denominator syntax: rather than 'bash', it's now just good old Bourne shell, 'sh', so that should work with any bash (Bourne Again SHell) as well as with other sh inplementations (dash, busybox). The other option is to upgrade your system!

Code: Select all


#URL bases

#Which browser? choose from: { firefox, seamonkey, chrome, system, none }

#If you want to use a particular firefox/seamonkey profile, set it here

#Seconds to delay between browser calls


#reads until non-empty string or xx or EOF (^D)
#returns value read in variable named in $1
read_until () {
    local line
    while read line; do
        [ "$line" = "xx" ] && return    #finished
        [ -z "$line" ]     && continue  #skip blank
        eval "$var=$line"

#reads all non-blank strings until xx or EOF (^D)
#returns concatenated strings in variable named in $1
read_while () {
    local line
    while read line; do
        [ "$line" = "xx" ] && return    #finished
        [ -z "$line" ]     && continue  #skip blank
        eval "$var=\"\$$var $line\""    #append with leading blank

#Sets globals:
#  'market' as lowercase string
#  'epics' as string of space-separated uppercase epics
read_data () {
    echo "Enter Mkt then Stocks & end with xx or hit ^D (or ^C to abort)"
    echo "US = us; UK = uk; Canada = ca; Venture exchge = v"

    read_until market
    [ -z "$market" ] && echo "no market supplied"  1>&2 && exit 1

    read_while epics
    [ -z "$epics" ]  && echo "no epics supplied" 1>&2 && exit 1

    market=`echo $market | tr 'A-Z' 'a-z'`  #to lower
    epics=`echo $epics   | tr 'a-z' 'A-Z'`  #to upper

#Builds a URL from components; sets global 'url'
assemble_url () {
    shift; shift
    for i in $*; do

#Builds a URL for stockcharts
stockcharts_url () {
    case $1 in
            assemble_url $STOCKCHARTS_URL_BASE s=$2 \
                p=D yr=5 mn=0 dy=0 i=t18680472715 r=1503841764277
            assemble_url $STOCKCHARTS_URL_BASE s=$2.L \
                p=D yr=5 mn=0 dy=0 i=t40345613568 r=1503767028109
            assemble_url $STOCKCHARTS_URL_BASE s=$2.TO \
                p=D yr=5 mn=0 dy=0 i=t77110325637 r=1503766992765
            assemble_url $STOCKCHARTS_URL_BASE s=$2.V \
                p=D yr=5 mn=0 dy=0 i=t88088727052 r=1503768309990
            echo "unknown market '$1'" 1>&2
            exit 1

#Start or connect to a running web browser and open a URL in a new tab
#Discard annoying shell error messages from firefox
browse () {
    case $BROWSER in
            browse_firefox --new-tab "$@"
            browse_seamonkey --new-tab "$@"
            browse_chrome --new-tab "$@"
            browse_system --new-tab "$@"
            #echo browse: none "$@"
            browse_system --new-tab "$@"
    esac 2>&1 | grep -v GLib-GObject-CRITICAL | grep -v '^ *$' 1>&2

browse_firefox () {
    #echo browse: firefox $@ && return
    if [ -x /usr/bin/firefox ]; then
        /usr/bin/firefox $FIREFOX_PROFILE "$@"
    #try user's path
    firefox $FIREFOX_PROFILE "$@"
browse_seamonkey () {
    #echo browse: seamonkey $@ && return
    #try to find seamonkey or mozilla in likely places
    if [ -x /usr/local/bin/mozilla ]; then
        /usr/local/bin/mozilla $FIREFOX_PROFILE "$@"
    if [ -x /usr/local/bin/seamonkey ]; then
        /usr/local/bin/seamonkey $FIREFOX_PROFILE "$@"
    #try user's path
    mozilla $FIREFOX_PROFILE "$@" > /dev/null 2>&1 || seamonkey $FIREFOX_PROFILE "$@"

browse_chrome () {
    #echo browse: chrome $@ && return
    if [ -x /usr/bin/google-chrome ]; then
        /usr/bin/google-chrome "$@"
    #try user's path
    google-chrome "$@"

browse_system () {
    #echo browse: system $@ && return
    if [ -x /usr/local/bin/defaultbrowser ]; then
        /usr/local/bin/defaultbrowser "$@"  #puppy linux
    if [ -x /usr/bin/x-www-browser ]; then
        /usr/bin/x-www-browser "$@"         #ubuntu

# main

[ -z "$market" ] && echo "no market supplied" 1>&2 && exit 1
[ -z "$epics" ]  && echo "no epics supplied"  1>&2 && exit 1

echo "market: $market"
echo "epics: $epics"

#iterate over the epics, build a URL, and invoke a browser in the background
for epic in $epics; do
    stockcharts_url $market $epic
    echo "url: $url"
    browse $url &
    sleep $BROWSER_DELAY

exit 0

Re: Bash script to display a series of graphs on different tabs

Posted: December 19th, 2017, 10:45 pm
by desmid
Breelander wrote: You do know that Windows 10 has been able to run native Linux apps/commands for over a year now?


Re: Bash script to display a series of graphs on different tabs

Posted: December 20th, 2017, 10:25 am
by desmid
1nv35t wrote: Thanks. Useful for those of us who prefer Unix over Linux (and its systemD direction tendencies/consequences).

OpenBSD here (no bash).
I just noticed there are still at least a couple of lines in the script that won't make it through a classic 'sh'. The two declarations "local line" need to be removed from read_until() and read_while(). On my Mint/Ubuntu machine, 'sh' is a symlink to 'dash' (?), and on the latest Puppy (similar to the OP's but newer) it's to 'bash', so it's hard to test...

Re: systemd. I'll try OpenBSD - Linux has become bloated and inscrutable just like Windows. I really hope that the Devuan splitters get traction.

Re: Bash script to display a series of graphs on different tabs

Posted: December 20th, 2017, 11:17 am
by ReformedCharacter
1nv35t wrote:
desmid wrote:I've changed the script to use the lowest common denominator syntax: rather than 'bash', it's now just good old Bourne shell, 'sh', so that should work with any bash (Bourne Again SHell) as well as with other sh inplementations (dash, busybox).
Thanks. Useful for those of us who prefer Unix over Linux (and its systemD direction tendencies/consequences).

OpenBSD here (no bash).
Coincidence, I've decided to give FreeBSD a go and re-read your comments here yesterday: ... bsd#p68731

So, have you exchanged FreeBSD for OpenBSD? And why?

Apologies for drifting off-topic.


Re: Bash script to display a series of graphs on different tabs

Posted: December 22nd, 2017, 4:13 pm
by schober
Hi Desmid thanks for v3 ................. it works!
I see the latest version of Chrome doesn't allow tab wheel scrolling! This feature is very useful if you have 15 tabs open
Stockcharts is the only site (afaiaa) that does ratio charts and p&f charts
The script works fine for ratios ie enter PRU.L:SLA.L as the epic in the url
I haven't got round to p&f yet

Re: Bash script to display a series of graphs on different tabs

Posted: December 22nd, 2017, 5:56 pm
by schober
The pru.l:sla.l example is not very good
A better one is INTC:MU which plots the ratio of the 2 share prices and answers the qu Has intel outperformed micron? ... 3841764277

The i option in the url has encoded the info for the type of chart - this one gives a line with no ma's etc I haven't figured out what the r option does