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TUSS buttons moved, help requested

Posted: December 4th, 2017, 11:10 am
by kempiejon
I have no idea how I did it nor can I work out how to undo it but my "all charts" button is now at the bottom of my list of shares. Still works lovely but how do I move it back?

Thank you in advance

Re: TUSS buttons moved, help requested

Posted: December 4th, 2017, 1:04 pm
by Raptor
Have you got "Developer" as an option on the ribbon bar? If so click on it and click on "Design Mode", you can then move the "box" back to where you want it.

To turn on "developer" click the top right dropdown for Excel, you will see "Excel options". Click on that and then tick "Show developer tab in Ribbon".

Hope this helps. Raptor.

Re: TUSS buttons moved, help requested

Posted: December 4th, 2017, 1:06 pm
by peterh
If you are using Excel, then look for the 'developer' tab on the ribbon. There should be a 'design mode' option (unless it has been disabled.

If you click on this, the mouse cursor will display with a cross in it. Click on the button and drag it to where you want it. Click the 'sdesign mode' icon when you've finished.

Re: TUSS buttons moved, help requested

Posted: December 4th, 2017, 1:14 pm
by kempiejon

Thank you, that's cracked it yes I was in excel but was on the machine at work and developer was disabled on the ribbon which is probably why I failed to ponder it out for myself I guess it must be enabled at home and I actually created the error there.

Anyhow thank you again.