HYPTUS v11.31 Run-time error 5

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Lemon Pip
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HYPTUS v11.31 Run-time error 5

Post by PaulBullet »

Hi when i press the "get Yahoo prices button" I now get a run-time error 5 invalid procedure call or argument

Any idea's


Lemon Half
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Re: HYPTUS v11.31 Run-time error 5

Post by Arborbridge »

I'm glad it isn't just me - I've had that for two days.

In my case the message is slightly different: "Run-time error '9'. Subscript out of range."

No idea what to do next - I thought of downloading another copy in case of corruption but since you have similar problems and my version is the latest, it seems unlikely.


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Re: HYPTUS v11.31 Run-time error 5

Post by mike »

I've got the same with the LivePrice spreadsheet that also uses Yahoo.

Noted it last night, and is still the same this morning. It was OK Tues pm.

Lemon Slice
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Re: HYPTUS v11.31 Run-time error 5

Post by spiderbill »

Failing for me too but in my case it starts:

com.sun.star.uno.RuntimeException: Error during invoking function HyoUpdPriPy in module vnd.sun.star.tdoc:/1/Scripts/python/HypTopUp.py (<class 'urllib.error.HTTPError'>: HTTP Error 999: Request denied

Not familiar with Python but that last part suggests it could be either a changed URL or they could be blocking them.

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Re: HYPTUS v11.31 Run-time error 5

Post by vrdiver »

I also got "Run-time error '9'. Subscript out of range" but in version 11.30, when I ran it just now, so I suspect it's a change at Yahoo, rather than HYPTUS.

Lemon Half
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Re: HYPTUS v11.31 Run-time error 5

Post by Arborbridge »

A newly downloaded HYPTUSS with just BP in does not work either. :shock:

This makes me realise how grateful I am to Itsallaguess and Kiloran! And dependant on them.

Lemon Pip
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Re: HYPTUS v11.31 Run-time error 5

Post by PaulBullet »

Good news

I was worried as i have lots of other stuff linked to the HYPTUS sheet and I was worried one of these was screwing it up

However my modified book plus a non modified book both fail

I guess its a yahoo thing


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Re: HYPTUS v11.31 Run-time error 5

Post by StepOne »

I don't use HYPTUS, but have my own spreadsheets probably based on similar vba code. One is failing with an "undefined object" error, the other just appears to be hanging. Both were okay yesterday. Curious!

At some point this week I got a message saying updates had been applied for my MS Office. I can't imagine that has caused the issue, but it's a possibility.

Update - the second spreadsheet is also failing with an 'Application-defined or object-defined error' (error code 1004) but it has a bit of code in the error trap which basically says 'if the error code is 1004, try again'. So this error must have occurred occasionally in the past, but re-trying would get past it. It seems that now, re-trying is not working.

Last edited by StepOne on November 2nd, 2017, 9:35 am, edited 1 time in total.

2 Lemon pips
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Re: HYPTUS v11.31 Run-time error 5

Post by eventide »


I am the original "anc1" who created and provided the liveprice.xls spreadsheet for TMF members back in the day - 2005? I still use a considerably sleeker version of it in part of my investing.

If any of your HYP or other spreadsheets are using it in whole or in part, or code similar to it, it is likely you will be getting errors as of 1 Nov 2017. IE any code which polls the yahoo api with concatenated strings of up to 200 stock requests will probably get an return from the server along the lines of "error message 999, unable to process request at this time".

I believe this is the end of the line for the api, much as it was for the google finance api some few months ago. Yahoo has been sold and only services which they can sell ads against will survive. It's been a good run.

I have small hope that it is just a temporary server problem, but I am not counting on it. It appears yahoo api users globally are waking up to it.

I will be migrating to a DDE feed from my broker for a while as I know it works but I am quote restricted to 100, but I will be rooting around for an alternative api to do the same thing as yahoo has kindly done for free for all these years

Lemon Slice
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Re: HYPTUS v11.31 Run-time error 5

Post by StepOne »

Hi anc1 - thanks for the update.

I can see that my code is trying to access the following url;

http://download.finance.yahoo.com/d/quo ... =l1&e=.csv

Pasting that into a browser gives the same 'Sorry, Unable to process request at this time -- error 999.' as you report.

I also use an Android app called Portfolio Watch on my phone which I think must also get its date from Yahoo, and when I look at it today, the dates and times against the prices are all yesterday afternoon, so it looks as though this is not working also.

On the downside, I will need to go back to manually updating my stock prices. On the upside, perhaps I will look at my portfolio less frequently which can only be a good thing!


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Re: HYPTUS v11.31 Run-time error 5

Post by kiloran »

I'll be away until late this afternoon, so I'll look at it this evening. The yahoo api was working yesterday but I did see some other changes a few days ago


2 Lemon pips
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Re: HYPTUS v11.31 Run-time error 5

Post by GN100 »

Probably like many of us my spreadsheets all link through to the original sheet by anc1 (hat tip and many thanks) so this is somewhat of a disaster for me. As we all know there is no such thing as a free lunch and we have been lucky that it carried on for so long. I would not be adverse to paying a reasonable sum for a free and reliable price feed. DAK anyone know of such a feed? I already pay my broker for a live price feed on my account page but I have no idea if or how this could link into my spreadsheets.

2 Lemon pips
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Re: HYPTUS v11.31 Run-time error 5

Post by pendas »

I use a programme that updates MS Money and that's stopped working also, so it must use the same source.

I feel like a fish out of water at the moment.

2 Lemon pips
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Re: HYPTUS v11.31 Run-time error 5

Post by eventide »

Some more positive news - the portfolio server feed from yahoo still seems to be available, and spits out json dictionaries for lists of tickers

for example:

https://query1.finance.yahoo.com/v7/fin ... D.L,BARC.L

Its pretty versatile but will need some work to make the change. I don't know how long server access will last, but I'm going to build a new pricing module for excel and will make it available here when I'm happy with it

I was anc1 on TMF but I'm eventide on TLF btw

Lemon Quarter
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Re: HYPTUS v11.31 Run-time error 5

Post by Breelander »

kiloran wrote:I'll be away until late this afternoon, so I'll look at it this evening...
Same error in Open/Libre Office version b-b - a long list of errors, starting with...

Code: Select all

com.sun.star.uno.RuntimeExceptionError during invoking function HypUpdPriPy in module vnd.sun.star.tdoc:/1/Scripts/python/HypTopUp.py (<class 'urllib.error.HTTPError'>: HTTP Error 999: Request denied

Lemon Quarter
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Re: HYPTUS v11.31 Run-time error 5

Post by kiloran »

eventide wrote:Some more positive news - the portfolio server feed from yahoo still seems to be available, and spits out json dictionaries for lists of tickers

for example:

https://query1.finance.yahoo.com/v7/fin ... D.L,BARC.L

Its pretty versatile but will need some work to make the change. I don't know how long server access will last, but I'm going to build a new pricing module for excel and will make it available here when I'm happy with it

I was anc1 on TMF but I'm eventide on TLF btw
Thanks for that, eventide. It also works for me, though I have not yet checked how many shares it can pull at once (the previous method allowed 199 or 200 at a time).
The previous method gave us "Last Price" (for better or worse). The new method seems to give us 3 options:

(those are for VOD.L)

We'll need to decide which of those is preferable. The regularMarketPrice could be mid (average of bid and ask) but I'll need to check other shares to evaluate this. We could use regularMarketPrice, or calculate the mid from the bid and ask, or just use the bid. My personal preference would be bid since that effectively indicates the current value if a share is sold. Of course we also need to decide if it is worth expending any effort on this or whether Yahoo might also kill it off.

This really is frustrating. I can handle the fact that the Yahoo data was free so we can hardly complain, but it does bug me (and others, it seems) that there was no warning of this change. Apart from Yahoo, the only other data sources I have found that can handle multiple shares were MSN and Google, and they were also killed off over the past year or two.

For the HYPTUSS, another option might be this: http://shares.telegraph.co.uk/indices/?index=NMX
It's only the FTSE350 but it's quick and will be OK for most HYP-type shares. We could get prices from that, then fill in any gaps on a one-by-one basis from ADVFN, Investorease, or whatever.

I have a strong suspicion that Itsallaguess will have some views on all of this :D

Investigation continues....


Lemon Quarter
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Re: HYPTUS v11.31 Run-time error 5

Post by kiloran »

I just checked another possibility and this MSN link still works, apparently: https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/dynamic ... vod,gb:adm

Might be another option, though would need more checking for quality and range of data


Lemon Slice
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Re: HYPTUS v11.31 Run-time error 5

Post by StepOne »

I saw this site mentioned by a couple of people on stackoverflow; https://www.alphavantage.co/

It says it offers free APIs for equity data.

Lemon Slice
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Re: HYPTUS v11.31 Run-time error 5

Post by StepOne »

I saw this site mentioned by a couple of people on stackoverflow; https://www.alphavantage.co/

It says it offers free APIs for equity data.

Lemon Slice
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Re: HYPTUS v11.31 Run-time error 5

Post by StepOne »

I saw this site mentioned by a couple of people on stackoverflow; https://www.alphavantage.co/

It says it offers free APIs for equity data.

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