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HYPTUSS 11.3 modification request

Posted: August 9th, 2017, 4:41 pm
by Arborbridge
Hi all. I've started to set up the HYPTUSS in my own particular way, with various added columns.

With the older version, on the FTSE-HYP tracking sheet, I added two extra columns (E and F) in which I manually recorded my unit price and income per unit. With the new version, I cannot do this as the next columns record the portfolio, which I do not need, effectively to the full width.

Is there an easy way for me to stop the portfolio tracking so these columns are free to use?
I could use two new columns inserted as column A and B, were it not for the tracking software automatically beginning in these two columns.

As a "wouldn't it be nice" request, it would be good to be able to auto-track the two particular cells which calculate the unit price and income per share, though I'm happy to carry on doing this manually.

Any advice would be helpful, but please bear in mind I am totally ignorant of the programming of these things. Although I can follow basic instructions, such as "Please do the washing up now" or similar.


Re: HYPTUSS 11.3 modification request

Posted: August 9th, 2017, 5:08 pm
by Itsallaguess
Arborbridge wrote:
Hi all. I've started to set up the HYPTUSS in my own particular way, with various added columns.

With the older version, on the FTSE-HYP tracking sheet, I added two extra columns (E and F) in which I manually recorded my unit price and income per unit. With the new version, I cannot do this as the next columns record the portfolio, which I do not need, effectively to the full width.

Is there an easy way for me to stop the portfolio tracking so these columns are free to use?
I could use two new columns inserted as column A and B, were it not for the tracking software automatically beginning in these two columns.

As a "wouldn't it be nice" request, it would be good to be able to auto-track the two particular cells which calculate the unit price and income per share, though I'm happy to carry on doing this manually.

Any advice would be helpful, but please bear in mind I am totally ignorant of the programming of these things. Although I can follow basic instructions, such as "Please do the washing up now" or similar.
Hi Arb,

You should be able to hide the portfolio-tracker column if it's in your way and you won't normally use it, and then you can continue to use the next free columns to the right for your normal modifications, I'd imagine.

Have a look at this and see if it helps -



Re: HYPTUSS 11.3 modification request

Posted: August 9th, 2017, 5:09 pm
by staffordian

Is it not possible to either hide the portfolio column, or reduce it's width significantly?

Re: HYPTUSS 11.3 modification request

Posted: August 9th, 2017, 5:17 pm
by Arborbridge
Itsallaguess, Staffordian,

Thanks, yes hiding the column works. It was an obvious solution, but I'm pretty rusty!

Thanks for the quick fix.


Re: HYPTUSS 11.3 modification request

Posted: August 9th, 2017, 5:31 pm
by kiloran
I would go a little further and say that if you want to add extra columns, start in column AA, and hide the ones you don't need. That will allow room for any future enhancements to HYPTUSS. I don't think we will be adding any data beyond Col Z


Re: HYPTUSS 11.3 modification request

Posted: August 10th, 2017, 8:20 am
by Arborbridge
Thanks Kiloran - I'll bear that in mind.

In one of my spreadsheets - the XIRR one - I've used up all the columns. I never dreamt that I would be in that position, but so far managed to survive by doing a bit of pruning, e.g dumping of "dead souls" on to another worksheet.

Is there a built in limit to the number of columns, or can one create more easily? I imagine in some professions they must need far more columns than in the standard Excel version.


Re: HYPTUSS 11.3 modification request

Posted: August 10th, 2017, 9:07 am
by kiloran
Arborbridge wrote: In one of my spreadsheets - the XIRR one - I've used up all the columns.

Is there a built in limit to the number of columns, or can one create more easily?

I imagine you are using Excel 2003, Arb?
See: ... d-columns/

I can't believe you are using Excel 2007 or later, with 16384 columns. And no, you cannot create more columns.


Re: HYPTUSS 11.3 modification request

Posted: August 10th, 2017, 2:38 pm
by Arborbridge
I think even I would have trouble using up 16384 columns! Yes, it's the 2003 version.
Nice to know I needn't worry that there is something I could do about it, since I can't:)