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Extracting NAV from the interweb

Posted: July 10th, 2017, 11:36 am
by gbalin
Does anyone know if I can extract NAV and/or discount or premium for ITs from any source, like share prices from Yahoo finance? Also is there a way of finding out what the discount or premium was on any given historical date?

Re: Extracting NAV from the interweb

Posted: July 10th, 2017, 11:47 am
by kiloran
gbalin wrote:Does anyone know if I can extract NAV and/or discount or premium for ITs from any source, like share prices from Yahoo finance? Also is there a way of finding out what the discount or premium was on any given historical date?
I'm not aware of any source that can do precisely what you want. Trustnet is a common source for IT data: ... nce?univ=T


Re: Extracting NAV from the interweb

Posted: July 10th, 2017, 11:48 am
by Itsallaguess
gbalin wrote:
Does anyone know if I can extract NAV and/or discount or premium for ITs from any source, like share prices from Yahoo finance?

Also is there a way of finding out what the discount or premium was on any given historical date?
Morningstar has a good search facility that will list NAV and Discount/Premium information.

It can be set to list 500 results at a time via a drop-down at the bottom of the page, which can then be exported to Excel via the rather small 'Export' button just above the column-headers - ... geId=en-GB

With regards to seeing historical discount/premium information, I'm not sure if you'll easily get that in tabular form, but there's a useful historical graph available at the bottom of the Trustnet 'Performance' page, shown here for JP Morgan Indian IT (JII), which allows multi-year views to be taken, up to 5-years, on discount/premium figures - ... erformance



Re: Extracting NAV from the interweb

Posted: July 14th, 2017, 10:43 am
by gbalin
Vedry useful, thank you. Trustnet and M'star are such rich seams of info it can be hard navigating to what you want. Thanks for the pointers.