HYPTUS All Blue Sector weightings query

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HYPTUS All Blue Sector weightings query

Post by GN100 »

Win 10 Pro 64bit, running Excel 2003. Using HYPTUS v11.25 I have the problem where the sector weightings pie chart shows all blue. I have followed through FAQ 21 on the Weebly website and I don't get the same results as the steps on the FAQ indicate.
a) Sector Graph Sheet displays OK
b) Right click on chart (I assume this means within the all blue pie chart circle). I get a drop down that says:

Format data series
Chart type
Source data

ie No reset to match style. Maybe this is because my Excel Copy is old - 2003?


Lemon Quarter
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Re: HYPTUS All Blue Sector weightings query

Post by kiloran »

Sorry, no idea, GN.

I use Excel 2010 so I'm not familiar with 2003. I would try right-clicking on the chart in the Sector Graph sheet and changing the chart type to something else, maybe a column or bar chart, and then changing it back again. Or maybe just leave it as column or bar depending on your preferences.

If that fails, try downloading a fresh copy.

Let us know how you get on.


Lemon Half
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Re: HYPTUS All Blue Sector weightings query

Post by Itsallaguess »

GN100 wrote:
Win 10 Pro 64bit, running Excel 2003. Using HYPTUS v11.25 I have the problem where the sector weightings pie chart shows all blue. I have followed through FAQ 21 on the Weebly website and I don't get the same results as the steps on the FAQ indicate.
a) Sector Graph Sheet displays OK
b) Right click on chart (I assume this means within the all blue pie chart circle). I get a drop down that says:

Format data series
Chart type
Source data

ie No reset to match style. Maybe this is because my Excel Copy is old - 2003?

Hi GN,

I'm not sure how you can really expect us to continue supporting such old and creaking versions of Excel, but whilst one of my workhorse-PC's is chugging away with Excel 2002 then we've all got a chance I suppose! :D

Have a go at the following, and let us know how you get on -

1. Unhide the chart-sheet (Format / Sheet / Unhide)

2. Right-click on the chart and select 'Format Data Series'

3. In the 'Area' section, select the 'Automatic' option for colours (top radio button)

4. Close the windows and select the 'Sector Weighting' button from the main HYP sheet.

5. Hide the chart-sheet again (Format / Sheet / Hide)



Lemon Quarter
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Re: HYPTUS All Blue Sector weightings query

Post by kiloran »

Itsallaguess wrote: I'm not sure how you can really expect us to continue supporting such old and creaking versions of Excel, but whilst one of my workhorse-PC's is chugging away with Excel 2002 then we've all got a chance I suppose! :D
I bet you have a steam-powered radio as well :D


Lemon Quarter
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Re: HYPTUS All Blue Sector weightings query

Post by Raptor »

I can trump that with a PET comodore and a 1938 remington typewriter.....

I am running vista and office 2007 still (not on the PET). Limping along, 2007 support is ending and vista stopped last year.

Must upgrade at some point.....


Lemon Half
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Re: HYPTUS All Blue Sector weightings query

Post by Itsallaguess »

Raptor wrote:
Must upgrade at some point.....
Hey, don't forget the 2016 Windows 10 update that killed everyone's flashy new PC's last year.

That's the price people will pay when they rush these things.....



Lemon Quarter
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Re: HYPTUS All Blue Sector weightings query

Post by Breelander »

Itsallaguess wrote: I'm not sure how you can really expect us to continue supporting such old and creaking versions of Excel, but whilst one of my workhorse-PC's is chugging away with Excel 2002 then we've all got a chance I suppose! :D

Have a go at the following, and let us know how you get on -
My daily accounts PC was a Win95/Office98 laptop until a few years ago, then the screen died so I had to replace it with something more modern - I now use an XP/Office2000 laptop :) Neither ever went/go anywhere near the internet (for obvious reasons). Next up in spec (and safe to use on the 'web') is my Win10/Office2007 machine, so I'm in a position to test and translate your instruction into 'Office 2007' speak (with keyboard shortcut sequences - press each key in sequence). Remember, 2007 was the first version with the 'Ribbon'.

1. Unhide the chart-sheet (Format / Sheet / Unhide)

On the Home ribbon, click on Format and select 'Hide & Unhide' - Alt, H, O, U, H

2. Right-click on the chart and select 'Format Data Series' (no change)

3. In the 'Area' section, select the 'Automatic' option for colours (top radio button)
In the Fill section select 'Automatic' and tick the 'Vary colors by slice' box.

4. Close the windows and select the 'Sector Weighting' button from the main HYP sheet.
(this step does not apply in 2007)

5. Hide the chart-sheet again (Format / Sheet / Hide)
Hide the chart-sheet again - Alt, H, O, U, S

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