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Portfolio Tools

Posted: October 11th, 2021, 7:44 pm
by GeoffF100
I want an easy way of keeping track of my Vanguard ETFs and open ended funds. My Vanguard account appears to give the latest prices after market close. iWeb does not.

Trustnet appears to give the latest prices for open ended funds, but out of date prices for ETFs. The website is also very slow.

I tried to open an account with Morningstar, but it would not accept any password that I typed.

I successfully created portfolio with the FT. It appears to give up to date prices after market close. It gives valuations for each portfolio as a whole, but not individual holdings. Is there a way of fixing this problem? I suppose I could have each holding as a separate portfolio, and copy the valuations into my spreadsheet. That would be better than a list of bookmarks to the funds.

Re: Portfolio Tools

Posted: October 11th, 2021, 7:56 pm
by monabri
For the ETF's , could you use HYPTUSS? ( Excel or the free OpenOffice).? It might help with the ETF side of your portfolio.

Re: Portfolio Tools

Posted: October 11th, 2021, 8:28 pm
by Itsallaguess
GeoffF100 wrote:
I successfully created portfolio with the FT. It appears to give up to date prices after market close.

It gives valuations for each portfolio as a whole, but not individual holdings.

Is there a way of fixing this problem?
If you've already got the individual FT details for your holdings, then as monabri has said, HYPTUSS might deliver what you're after -

The process shown on the above screen-shot isn't part of the core HYPTUSS functionality, but we've added it as a stand-alone 'FT Funds' sheet as your requirement does tend to crop up from time to time.

You can download the latest version of HYPTUSS on the following link if you want to give it a go -

http://lemonfoolfinancialsoftware.weebl ... op-up.html

If that basic functionality does the job for you in terms of grabbing individual prices, then you could add an extra sheet to then pull those updated prices over, and then add some bells and whistles to a more detailed 'Funds Portfolio' sheet....



Re: Portfolio Tools

Posted: October 11th, 2021, 8:43 pm
by kiloran
GeoffF100 wrote:I want an easy way of keeping track of my Vanguard ETFs and open ended funds. My Vanguard account appears to give the latest prices after market close. iWeb does not.
HYPTUSS is certainly a possibility, though shares/ETFs are on a different sheet to open-ended funds. Not a big problem, data can be consolidated on a new sheet.

An alternative is the LibreOffice extension I mentioned here: ... 38#p448738
It gets prices for shares and ETFs from Yahoo, and shares, ETFs and funds from the FT

Here's a simple example:

If you don't have LibreOffice and don't want to install another piece of software, you can use the portable version: ... e_portable


Re: Portfolio Tools

Posted: October 12th, 2021, 7:29 am
by GeoffF100
Thank you both for your help. I have two Vanguard open ended funds and two Vanguard ETFs. Two of these funds appear on two different platforms, so I have six holdings in all. I typically value my portfolio every 3-6 months. My easiest option is to set up a separate FT portfolio for each holding. I can then cut and paste the holding valuations into my spreadsheet.

If someone can let me know how to set up a valid Morninstar password, that might be a better option.

Re: Portfolio Tools

Posted: October 12th, 2021, 8:57 am
by kiloran
GeoffF100 wrote: If someone can let me know how to set up a valid Morninstar password, that might be a better option.
I tried to create a Morningstar account and also failed the password test, using Chrome, Edge and Firefox. I tried all manner of passwords which all complied with their stated password rules, but it complained about the password each time.

I also tried signing in with an account I created some years ago, and that worked OK.


Re: Portfolio Tools

Posted: October 12th, 2021, 4:34 pm
by kiloran
kiloran wrote:
GeoffF100 wrote: If someone can let me know how to set up a valid Morninstar password, that might be a better option.
I tried to create a Morningstar account and also failed the password test, using Chrome, Edge and Firefox. I tried all manner of passwords which all complied with their stated password rules, but it complained about the password each time.

I also tried signing in with an account I created some years ago, and that worked OK.

I reported the problem to Morningstar. Bizarrely, I could only report the sign-up problem by signing in, so it's a good job I registered an account some years ago. They responded within a few hours asking for more details, so hopefully they can resolve the problem quite quickly


Re: Portfolio Tools

Posted: October 12th, 2021, 6:58 pm
by GeoffF100
I am glad to hear that it is not only me. I got a message in red telling me the required password format, but only part of the text fitted into the window. I could not scroll within the window or resize it.

I have set my fund holdings up as portfolios with the FT tool, which will do for now.

Re: Portfolio Tools

Posted: October 15th, 2021, 8:10 pm
by kiloran
GeoffF100 wrote:I am glad to hear that it is not only me. I got a message in red telling me the required password format, but only part of the text fitted into the window. I could not scroll within the window or resize it.

I have set my fund holdings up as portfolios with the FT tool, which will do for now.
I got an email from Morningstar to say that they have reported the problem to their IT team and passed on the details I provided, but I have heard nothing for the past 2 days.

I just tried creating a new account and it worked fine, no password problems, so it looks like they have fixed it. The password I tried was 18axzpq62W which appears to meet all of their rules. I've since changed it and that was also OK.

Give it a try


Re: Portfolio Tools

Posted: October 15th, 2021, 9:56 pm
by GeoffF100
Thank you very much. I have now been able to create an account. The user interface is little challenging, but I think it will do the job.

Re: Portfolio Tools

Posted: October 30th, 2021, 10:40 am
by GeoffF100
The valuations given by the FT portfolio tool have not always been consistent with their historical closing prices. The Morningstar valuations have always been consistent with the FT historical closing prices. The Morningstar tool wins easily. It seems to reliably give the closing prices and the latest valuations for open ended funds at the weekend. This weekend is an end of month, so I should be able to compare my portfolio with the Vanguard data for a global tracker. iWeb did not give the latest price for Vanguard Developed World ex UK this morning. iWeb always values new style index linked gilts incorrectly. I get the correct "dirty" prices (with indexation) from here: