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Another data harvesting problem, Googlefinance

Posted: September 6th, 2021, 8:56 pm
by Tri2000
I use a Google Sheet to record end of data prices for my portfolio and since last week two of my long held shares refuse to update and show the latest prices. All other lines seem unaffected. I have deleted and recreated the lines but it does not work. I have started a new Sheet and cannot get the prices. The two are BP. and CCC (Computercentre).

I can get prices from Google directly so I know there has been no ticker change etc, but in my sheet all I see is #N/A

The 2 stocks are in consecutive rows, but I don't believe that is relevant. They are also the 5th and 6th shares, so the table reads:

Any ideas what is wrong and how to make it work again?

Re: Another data harvesting problem, Googlefinance

Posted: September 6th, 2021, 9:20 pm
by kiloran
I believe the Google ticker symbol for BP is BP
Not BP. (no trailing period),
BP works for me in a Google Finance sheet I set up a few years ago,

No idea why CCC isn't working. I can only guess it's a temporary glitch


Re: Another data harvesting problem, Googlefinance

Posted: September 7th, 2021, 10:07 am
by ReformedCharacter
Tri2000 wrote:I use a Google Sheet to record end of data prices for my portfolio and since last week two of my long held shares refuse to update and show the latest prices. All other lines seem unaffected. I have deleted and recreated the lines but it does not work. I have started a new Sheet and cannot get the prices. The two are BP. and CCC (Computercentre).

I can get prices from Google directly so I know there has been no ticker change etc, but in my sheet all I see is #N/A

The 2 stocks are in consecutive rows, but I don't believe that is relevant. They are also the 5th and 6th shares, so the table reads:

Any ideas what is wrong and how to make it work again?
BP works fine for me without the trailing period. Computercentre doesn't.


Re: Another data harvesting problem, Googlefinance

Posted: September 7th, 2021, 11:44 am
by pje16
BP shows today's price as 24p
LON:BP shows the correct price
CCC is returning Carlyle Commodities Corp in Google finace
but HL show it correctly ... -ord-7-59p

Re: Another data harvesting problem, Googlefinance

Posted: September 8th, 2021, 11:32 am
by pje16
works now - just tested it :D

Re: Another data harvesting problem, Googlefinance

Posted: September 12th, 2021, 7:52 pm
by MDW1954
pje16 wrote:BP shows today's price as 24p
LON:BP shows the correct price
CCC is returning Carlyle Commodities Corp in Google Finance
but HL show it correctly ... -ord-7-59p
Just spotted this -- sorry, this is a wonderful board, but one that I come to far too infrequently.

BP wasn't showing as 24p. It was showing as $24. If you don't specify a precise stock market, it's all too easy for Google Finance to get confused, and default to American prices.

What you were actually looking up was NYSE:BP, whereas what you wanted was LON:BP -- try it.


Re: Another data harvesting problem, Googlefinance

Posted: September 12th, 2021, 9:00 pm
by pje16
OK thanks
I didn't realise without a prefix it was showing NYSE
PS I have quite a few UK ones on my Google finance sheet without the Lon Prefix but I guess UK is the only place they are quoted