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problem harvesting IT prices from London South East Site

Posted: August 17th, 2021, 11:15 pm
by scotia
I have been software-harvesting IT prices from the London South East Site ( for some time - since it supplies Price, Bid and Ask.
But tonight (around 22:30) the Bid and Ask fields were completely wrong - the bid was higher than the ask, and the difference was typically -5% to -10%
E.G. ATST Price 1018, Bid 1158, Ask 998
The Price looks like the correct Ask price.
I had similar funnies with EWI, FGT, FCIT, MNKS and SSON
Strangely ETFs seemed OK
I didn't notice any problems last week.

Re: problem harvesting IT prices from London South East Site

Posted: August 17th, 2021, 11:31 pm
by Spet0789
scotia wrote:I have been software-harvesting IT prices from the London South East Site ( for some time - since it supplies Price, Bid and Ask.
But tonight (around 22:30) the Bid and Ask fields were completely wrong - the bid was higher than the ask, and the difference was typically -5% to -10%
E.G. ATST Price 1018, Bid 1158, Ask 998
The Price looks like the correct Ask price.
I had similar funnies with EWI, FGT, FCIT, MNKS and SSON
Strangely ETFs seemed OK
I didn't notice any problems last week.
London Stock Exchange?

Re: problem harvesting IT prices from London South East Site

Posted: August 17th, 2021, 11:55 pm
by scotia
Spet0789 wrote:
scotia wrote:I have been software-harvesting IT prices from the London South East Site ( for some time - since it supplies Price, Bid and Ask.
But tonight (around 22:30) the Bid and Ask fields were completely wrong - the bid was higher than the ask, and the difference was typically -5% to -10%
E.G. ATST Price 1018, Bid 1158, Ask 998
The Price looks like the correct Ask price.
I had similar funnies with EWI, FGT, FCIT, MNKS and SSON
Strangely ETFs seemed OK
I didn't notice any problems last week.
London Stock Exchange?
The London Stock Exchange is OK ... mpany-page
Bid/Offer on ATST is 1016/1018

Re: problem harvesting IT prices from London South East Site

Posted: August 18th, 2021, 9:13 am
by kiloran
Looks like it is back to normality after the LSE opening. Be interesting to see what happens after the market closes today


Re: problem harvesting IT prices from London South East Site

Posted: August 19th, 2021, 12:02 am
by scotia
kiloran wrote:Looks like it is back to normality after the LSE opening. Be interesting to see what happens after the market closes today

Yes - its back to normal tonight

Re: problem harvesting IT prices from London South East Site

Posted: September 2nd, 2021, 1:44 pm
by barchid
I have only just spotted this thread, reason I was looking for it is that I use London South East as my live UK price feed (at the time it was the cheapest, I suspect it still is if you pay annually) but using chrome on a chromebook I have recently noticed that the site ceases to recognise that I am logged in and keeps requesting a fresh log in. Worse still if I use them for reading an RNS I keep being asked if I'm a private investor (due I guess for my log in not being remembered.
This has only recently been happening, does anyone have an idea what the problem could be ?
What is an alternative, keenly priced, live London stock feed, anyone have any thoughts please ?

Re: problem harvesting IT prices from London South East Site

Posted: September 4th, 2021, 9:44 pm
by jaizan
barchid wrote:Scotia
I have only just spotted this thread, reason I was looking for it is that I use London South East as my live UK price feed (at the time it was the cheapest, I suspect it still is if you pay annually) but using chrome on a chromebook I have recently noticed that the site ceases to recognise that I am logged in and keeps requesting a fresh log in. Worse still if I use them for reading an RNS I keep being asked if I'm a private investor (due I guess for my log in not being remembered.
This has only recently been happening, does anyone have an idea what the problem could be ?
What is an alternative, keenly priced, live London stock feed, anyone have any thoughts please ?
Have you reported the issue to LSE ?
Then if the IT people dodge responsibility, use google to find out who owns the business and e-mail them.

Re: problem harvesting IT prices from London South East Site

Posted: September 5th, 2021, 10:30 am
by xeny
barchid wrote:Scotia
using chrome on a chromebook I have recently noticed that the site ceases to recognise that I am logged in and keeps requesting a fresh log in. Worse still if I use them for reading an RNS I keep being asked if I'm a private investor (due I guess for my log in not being remembered.
This has only recently been happening, does anyone have an idea what the problem could be ?
Try deleting any LSE related cookies from the browser, that may make the login "sticky" again.

Re: problem harvesting IT prices from London South East Site

Posted: September 5th, 2021, 2:45 pm
by barchid
I did indeed report it to LSE who told me to clear the cookies.
Unfortunately their way did not work (for very long) but I found a different way to do it from youtube & that seems to be working for now, fingers crossed.

Re: problem harvesting IT prices from London South East Site

Posted: September 9th, 2021, 10:23 am
by barchid
Oddly enough the RNS service has not been working on London South East all week, which is irritating to say the least, but they mailed me their excuse today saying that if they turned it back on some other features would be lost. Hardly an upbeat response from them and with no given time frame to fix it.
I have used vox for some time as their RNS system seems as fast as anyones which leaves me wondering which way I go to see live prices, the reason I became involved with lse originally ?

Re: problem harvesting IT prices from London South East Site

Posted: September 9th, 2021, 10:44 am
by kiloran
barchid wrote:Oddly enough the RNS service has not been working on London South East all week, which is irritating to say the least, but they mailed me their excuse today saying that if they turned it back on some other features would be lost. Hardly an upbeat response from them and with no given time frame to fix it.
I have used vox for some time as their RNS system seems as fast as anyones which leaves me wondering which way I go to see live prices, the reason I became involved with lse originally ?
If you are looking for an alternative source for data, here's a list of sites which may be useful http://lemonfoolfinancialsoftware.weebl ... sites.html

I find ADVFN fast and has bid/offer/mid prices


Re: problem harvesting IT prices from London South East Site

Posted: September 9th, 2021, 4:52 pm
by scotia
barchid wrote:Oddly enough the RNS service has not been working on London South East all week, which is irritating to say the least, but they mailed me their excuse today saying that if they turned it back on some other features would be lost. Hardly an upbeat response from them and with no given time frame to fix it.
I have used vox for some time as their RNS system seems as fast as anyones which leaves me wondering which way I go to see live prices, the reason I became involved with lse originally ?
I should probably have said that I don't subscribe to any financial sites. At the end of a day, I load down all of the prices for the ITs and OEICs/Unit Trusts that I own, and update my Microsoft Access Database. This is carried out by a Visual Basic routine which works through all of my investments, and for each it loads down the appropriate web page from a financial site, and extracts the data (all free of charge). I tried out a number of sites, and found the to be most useful - for both the ITs and the OEICs/Unit Trusts it provided a single price. However for ITs I wanted the Bid price, and for that I use Others on this site carry out similar actions with the data extracted into Excel Spreadsheets - also using Visual Basic. E.G. see ... 75#p258874

Re: problem harvesting IT prices from London South East Site

Posted: September 27th, 2021, 11:09 pm
by scotia
Problems again with IT prices from the London South East Site - similar to those previously reported
E.G. for Scottish Mortgage - Price = 1447; Bid = 1519; Ask = 1384.5
The Price is OK - but the Bid/Ask is up the creek! They cleared the problem quickly last time. I wonder if they have reloaded their faulty software :)

Re: problem harvesting IT prices from London South East Site

Posted: September 28th, 2021, 9:10 pm
by scotia
scotia wrote:Problems again with IT prices from the London South East Site - similar to those previously reported
E.G. for Scottish Mortgage - Price = 1447; Bid = 1519; Ask = 1384.5
The Price is OK - but the Bid/Ask is up the creek! They cleared the problem quickly last time. I wonder if they have reloaded their faulty software :)
And its back working OK today