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Running Open OFfice on Linux Mint

Posted: July 16th, 2021, 11:06 am
by TUK020
New project is to get a mini fanless PC running Linux Mint.
When I try to run HYPTUSS under Open Office, the macros do not go - because Python for the scripts is not supported. What package should I load for Python? The software manager presented me with a bucket load of options that I did not understand.
Excuse me that this question is more about Linux that the spreadsheet

Re: Running Open OFfice on Linux Mint

Posted: July 16th, 2021, 11:30 am
by GeoffF100
TUK020 wrote:New project is to get a mini fanless PC running Linux Mint.
When I try to run HYPTUSS under Open Office, the macros do not go - because Python for the scripts is not supported. What package should I load for Python? The software manager presented me with a bucket load of options that I did not understand.
Excuse me that this question is more about Linux that the spreadsheet
OpenOffice is essentially obsolete. Virtually all the development effort has been going into LibreOffice. LibreOffice ships with Linux Mint nowadays. You could try LibreOffice with an up to date copy of Mint.

Re: Running Open OFfice on Linux Mint

Posted: July 16th, 2021, 11:33 am
by TUK020
GeoffF100 wrote:
TUK020 wrote:New project is to get a mini fanless PC running Linux Mint.
When I try to run HYPTUSS under Open Office, the macros do not go - because Python for the scripts is not supported. What package should I load for Python? The software manager presented me with a bucket load of options that I did not understand.
Excuse me that this question is more about Linux that the spreadsheet
OpenOffice is essentially obsolete. Virtually all the development effort has been going into LibreOffice. LibreOffice ships with Linux Mint nowadays. You could try LibreOffice with an up to date copy of Mint.
Sorry, my confused use of names - I am actually using Libre Office on Linux Mint. Question about Python/macros still stands

Re: Running Open OFfice on Linux Mint

Posted: July 16th, 2021, 1:07 pm
by kiloran
TUK020 wrote:
GeoffF100 wrote: OpenOffice is essentially obsolete. Virtually all the development effort has been going into LibreOffice. LibreOffice ships with Linux Mint nowadays. You could try LibreOffice with an up to date copy of Mint.
Sorry, my confused use of names - I am actually using Libre Office on Linux Mint. Question about Python/macros still stands
See page 2 of the USer Guide
If you use LibreOffice on Ubuntu, you may need to install the Python Script Provider from to allow the macros to work.
I can't remember if I had to do this on Mint, but I suspect so

Hope this helps


Re: Running Open OFfice on Linux Mint

Posted: July 17th, 2021, 8:03 am
by TUK020
kiloran wrote:
TUK020 wrote: Sorry, my confused use of names - I am actually using Libre Office on Linux Mint. Question about Python/macros still stands
See page 2 of the USer Guide
If you use LibreOffice on Ubuntu, you may need to install the Python Script Provider from to allow the macros to work.
I can't remember if I had to do this on Mint, but I suspect so

Hope this helps

copied and pasted the Python script provider into the MInt software manager, and loaded up - worked, now able to enable macros, fetch prices and yields. Thank you.
Tried to do the charts, and got:
Error 503 Backend fetch failed

Backend fetch failed
Guru Meditation:

XID: 715333820

Running Libre Office on Linux Mint

Re: Running Open OFfice on Linux Mint

Posted: July 17th, 2021, 8:09 am
by kiloran
TUK020 wrote:
kiloran wrote:#
copied and pasted the Python script provider into the MInt software manager, and loaded up - worked, now able to enable macros, fetch prices and yields. Thank you.
Tried to do the charts, and got:
Error 503 Backend fetch failed

Backend fetch failed
Guru Meditation:

XID: 715333820

Running Libre Office on Linux Mint
Glad the script provider worked.
I recently found that the MoneyAM charts are no longer working, the website has changed and the new charts are not usable. You can change the chart source to LiveCharts on the Parameters sheet.
I'm working on an alternative to MoneyAM charts


Re: Running Open OFfice on Linux Mint

Posted: July 17th, 2021, 8:26 am
by TUK020
kiloran wrote: Glad the script provider worked.
I recently found that the MoneyAM charts are no longer working, the website has changed and the new charts are not usable. You can change the chart source to LiveCharts on the Parameters sheet.
I'm working on an alternative to MoneyAM charts

That worked, thanks

Re: Running Open OFfice on Linux Mint

Posted: July 17th, 2021, 8:37 am
by kiloran
TUK020 wrote:
kiloran wrote: Glad the script provider worked.
I recently found that the MoneyAM charts are no longer working, the website has changed and the new charts are not usable. You can change the chart source to LiveCharts on the Parameters sheet.
I'm working on an alternative to MoneyAM charts

That worked, thanks
I've also found that there has been a small change on the Stockopedia site so dividends also fail with Stockopedia as a source (LibreOffice on Windows, haven't checked on Linux). I have a fix ready to go.
