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Change to TMF Financial Software repository

Posted: November 9th, 2016, 9:55 am
by kiloran
Our Financial Software website is closely linked to the TMF boards. Over time, this will seem a little inconsistent with the move of the discussion boards to The Lemon Fool.

I have cloned the TMF Financial Software site and renamed it Lemon Fool Financial Software. The new site is and over the next month or so, I'll work on rebranding it, lemonising it and (where possible) replace the references to TMF with references to Lemon Fool.

All bug fixes and enhancements will be on the new site. The old site will no longer be updated. Pages on the old site will gradually disappear, but the home page (with a link to the new site) will remain.


Re: Change to TMF Financial Software repository

Posted: November 9th, 2016, 10:11 am
by Breelander
In lieu of the old-style announcements panel that would have been over there ================>>>
You can post the details and links then ask a Mod (when we get one) or stooz to make it a Sticky and a Closed topic (great, these new forum features, aren't they?). That way it will always be seen at the top and won't get cluttered with replies.

Re: Change to TMF Financial Software repository

Posted: November 9th, 2016, 10:20 am
by kiloran
Breelander wrote:In lieu of the old-style announcements panel that would have been over there ================>>>
You can post the details and links then ask a Mod (when we get one) or stooz to make it a Sticky and a Closed topic (great, these new forum features, aren't they?). That way it will always be seen at the top and won't get cluttered with replies.
Yes, that's the plan, Bree, but I thought I'd hold off for a couple of weeks to give Stooz some time to knock the new site into shape.


Re: Change to TMF Financial Software repository

Posted: November 9th, 2016, 10:24 am
by kiloran
By the way, the old site was getting 3-400 unique visitors per week and around 1400 page views per week. Amazing activity in my view for a relatively specialist subject


Re: Change to TMF Financial Software repository

Posted: November 15th, 2016, 4:14 pm
by melonfool
kiloran wrote:By the way, the old site was getting 3-400 unique visitors per week and around 1400 page views per week. Amazing activity in my view for a relatively specialist subject

Thank you for doing that and maintaining the software, you probably have no idea how many people really use it. A group of us women who used to post on TPR migrated to Facebook several years ago, we later (after some years) split into two groups but we still often talk about money/investments etc (among numerous other things) and at least four of us use this software and we post our portfolios and selection criteria etc there.

Thanks you!
