HYPTUS v11.31 Run-time error 5

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Lemon Slice
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Re: HYPTUS v11.31 Run-time error 5

Post by spiderbill »

Seems to be working fine so far
Windows 10
Libre Office v5.3.2.2

Excellent work, and very quick too.

Lemon Quarter
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Re: HYPTUS v11.31 Run-time error 5

Post by JMN2 »

Raptor, ex-programmer and this latest revelation ---does not compute! :lol:

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Re: HYPTUS v11.31 Run-time error 5

Post by Peltiq »

Working okay with me also. It seems to save and close a bit snappier too. Many thanks for your all your good work.

Win 10
Excel 2016

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Re: HYPTUS v11.31 Run-time error 5

Post by kempiejon »

Nice work people, thank you. I had missed my amalgamated HYP view (I'm spread across 3 accounts)
Like others I've modded up my version so it'll be a while until I've transferred all my extra functionality to the new sheet but in the meantime I copied my holdings across and initially I got a couple of missing scrapes, Centrica CNA, next group NXG, Standard Life Admiral SLA. I added them manually from the list and all seems OK.

Windows 10, Excel 2013

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Re: HYPTUS v11.31 Run-time error 5

Post by eventide »

OK I have started a new thread for anyone who just wants a simple function for share prices, and I can leave you to continue with HYP related development on here.

The new thread is here.

https://www.lemonfool.co.uk/viewtopic.p ... 229#p93095

Lemon Quarter
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Re: HYPTUS v11.31 Run-time error 5

Post by Breelander »

Itsallaguess wrote:If anyone would like to take a look at the Beta versions, then they can be downloaded from this test-page on the Weebly site -
hyp_top-up_version-b-f-dev2.ods passes the 'Bree' test. Successfully migrated my 29 shares and customisations (just extra columns & formulae - no macros). Looking good.



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Re: HYPTUS v11.31 Run-time error 5

Post by Raptor »

My test data worked fine.

Vista Excel 2007. I am ashamed to write that. :oops:

Will wait for the released version before migrating.


BTW, itsallaguess does this count towards portfolio free November?

Lemon Half
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Re: HYPTUS v11.31 Run-time error 5

Post by Itsallaguess »

Raptor wrote:
My test data worked fine.

Vista Excel 2007. I am ashamed to write that.
My main workhorse PC is an XP box running Office 2002, so you're light-years ahead Raptor! :D

I maintain that I've kept to this position for retrospective back-testing of our software, but I think we all know that's a downright lie.... :D

Raptor wrote:
BTW, itsallaguess does this count towards portfolio free November?
Heh, well I've not migrated my own HYP portfolio over yet, and only did my testing using tickers that didn't exist in my HYP, so all I know is that I've been a good boy.... :D



Lemon Quarter
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Re: HYPTUS v11.31 Run-time error 5

Post by Raptor »

Itsallaguess wrote:
Heh, well I've not migrated my own HYP portfolio over yet, and only did my testing using tickers that didn't exist in my HYP, so all I know is that I've been a good boy.... :D


My test data contains loads more than my own portfolio. It is a list of all the shares I have ever owned (that still exist), including my daughters and my deceased Mum's. So I suppose I can say it is not my portfolio.. :D


BTW My work PC runs software that is no longer supported, I think it is XP and this is one of the largest companies in the UK. Mind you I also "supported" their IMS system 31 years ago, so am having fun using "Green Screen" again, hasn't changed much.

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Re: HYPTUS v11.31 Run-time error 5

Post by hsheil »

Hi Itsallaguess

I just moved across to the beta spreadsheet (OpenOffice on OSX) and everything seems to be working fine so far (prices and dividends updated) - thanks!


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Re: HYPTUS v11.31 Run-time error 5

Post by GN100 »

Many thanks to Itsallaguess, Kiloran & Eventide for all this work. I have downloaded and run the Excel Beta version, win 10 Pro, Excel 2003 and it works fine for me.

A feature I used a lot on the original anc1/Eventide sheet was the currency rates, GBP/USD & GBP Euro. Any ideas on how to get this from Digital Look or any other source?

Lemon Half
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Re: HYPTUS v11.31 Run-time error 5

Post by Itsallaguess »

GN100 wrote:
A feature I used a lot on the original anc1/Eventide sheet was the currency rates, GBP/USD & GBP Euro.

Any ideas on how to get this from Digital Look or any other source?
Try the following tickers on the new feed sources GN100 -


Currently shows as 1.125814


Currently shows as 1.3075656



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Re: HYPTUS v11.31 Run-time error 5

Post by staffordian »

I've just tested the new version with a Windows 10 PC and Excel 2007 and all works seamlessly. Many thanks for the incredible efforts!

I just opened Moneydance and realised that exactly the same problem has afflicted it since the start of the month, but at least I can manually update the prices there more easily by referring to the updated prices in the spreadsheet.

And for the record, Moneydance are still working to resolve the issue - their team of professional developers are nowhere near as quick as you :D

Lemon Quarter
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Re: HYPTUS v11.31 Run-time error 5

Post by vrdiver »

Excellent work gentlemen!

(Using the excel version)
Only issue detected (when updating prices and yields) was ticker 42TE price comes back a factor of 100 out (12862 as opposed to 128.62). It's a Co-op pref share I added to the digitallook data sheet, so may be my error...

Data added: /security/24547088 Co-operative Group Ltd 11% Fnl Repay Sub Nts 20/12/25 42TE Banks 42TE

Once again,


Lemon Half
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Re: HYPTUS v11.31 Run-time error 5

Post by Itsallaguess »

vrdiver wrote:
Only issue detected (when updating prices and yields) was ticker 42TE price comes back a factor of 100 out (12862 as opposed to 128.62). It's a Co-op pref share I added to the digitallook data sheet, so may be my error...

Data added: /security/24547088 Co-operative Group Ltd 11% Fnl Repay Sub Nts 20/12/25 42TE Banks 42TE
Hargreaves Lansdown seems to confirm the price for 42TE as being £126.25 (Sell) and £131 (Buy), which would make the mid-price around £128.625 -

http://www.hl.co.uk/shares/shares-searc ... td-11-2025

That would make the 12862 pence being reported by the HYPTUSS tool correct, by my reckoning, but I don't know anything about this fixed coupon bond other than what I've found out in the last 2 minutes....

How much did you pay for it?

I should add that in the previous versions of the tool it would have reported 128.62, because previous versions of the tool didn't handle GBP-based investments very well, and were themselves out by a factor of 100 at that point. These new versions, as reported in the Beta-release-post, handle GBP (Pounds) and GBp (pence) quoted investments much better, so could it be that fact that's confusing you?



Lemon Quarter
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Re: HYPTUS v11.31 Run-time error 5

Post by vrdiver »

Itsallaguess wrote: Hargreaves Lansdown seems to confirm the price for 42TE as being £126.25 (Sell) and £131 (Buy), which would make the mid-price around £128.625 -


I just checked my (AJBell) account and it also shows the price as £128.50 GBP, but values 1,668 of the blighters at £2,143.38, and not £214k as I would prefer!

I hesitate to haul AJBell over the coals, as the £2k value is what I was expecting.

Looks like something "funny" with this particular entity which the brokers have dealt with behind the scenes.

If the price is being transmitted incorrectly, I guess there's nothing you can do about it. I'll contact my broker to see if they can shed any light on the issue.


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Re: HYPTUS v11.31 Run-time error 5

Post by Whatsup »

Dear Kiloran

Using Mac os High Sierra, Libre office

Following message in trying to update prices

com.sun.star.uno.RuntimeException: Error during invoking function HypUpdPriPy_1 in module vnd.sun.star.tdoc:/1/Scripts/python/HypTopUp.py (<class 'UnboundLocalError'>: local variable 'data' referenced before assignment
File "/Applications/LibreOffice.app/Contents/Resources/pythonscript.py", line 870, in invoke
ret = self.func( *args )
File "vnd.sun.star.tdoc:/1/Scripts/python/HypTopUp.py", line 1098, in HypUpdPriPy_1
File "vnd.sun.star.tdoc:/1/Scripts/python/HypTopUp.py", line 660, in createPriceDict

dividends update works OK



Lemon Half
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Re: HYPTUS v11.31 Run-time error 5

Post by Itsallaguess »

vrdiver wrote:
I just checked my (AJBell) account and it also shows the price as £128.50 GBP, but values 1,668 of the blighters at £2,143.38, and not £214k as I would prefer!

I hesitate to haul AJBell over the coals, as the £2k value is what I was expecting.

Looks like something "funny" with this particular entity which the brokers have dealt with behind the scenes.

If the price is being transmitted incorrectly, I guess there's nothing you can do about it. I'll contact my broker to see if they can shed any light on the issue.
If you put this Yahoo link into your browser you'll see the problem -


The 'currency' field is being sent back as 'GBP', which is pounds, and the 'regularMarketPrice' is being sent as '128.625', which leads us to see Yahoo stating that it's £128.625 in the tool.

Not sure there's much we can do about it at the moment, as the other GBP priced investments we know about (for instance VMID), come back in GBP correctly, and are then converted to pence correctly in the tool.

Sorry about that VRD, but it seems like the previous versions that didn't convert correctly actually suited this particular investment, as it's reporting incorrectly as well, and lined up beautifully to correct itself in older versions of the tool! :D

Glad to hear everything else is working OK though, so thanks for your report, and that goes too for everyone else who's been diligently reporting successful trials of the Beta versions - thanks very much everyone!!



Lemon Quarter
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Re: HYPTUS v11.31 Run-time error 5

Post by Breelander »

staffordian wrote:And for the record, Moneydance are still working to resolve the issue - their team of professional developers are nowhere near as quick as you :D
:lol: :D :lol: :lol: :) :lol:

Lemon Quarter
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Re: HYPTUS v11.31 Run-time error 5

Post by kiloran »

Whatsup wrote:Dear Kiloran

Using Mac os High Sierra, Libre office

Following message in trying to update prices

com.sun.star.uno.RuntimeException: Error during invoking function HypUpdPriPy_1 in module vnd.sun.star.tdoc:/1/Scripts/python/HypTopUp.py (<class 'UnboundLocalError'>: local variable 'data' referenced before assignment
File "/Applications/LibreOffice.app/Contents/Resources/pythonscript.py", line 870, in invoke
ret = self.func( *args )
File "vnd.sun.star.tdoc:/1/Scripts/python/HypTopUp.py", line 1098, in HypUpdPriPy_1
File "vnd.sun.star.tdoc:/1/Scripts/python/HypTopUp.py", line 660, in createPriceDict

dividends update works OK


Hi Colin.
Sorry about that! I don't have a Mac to investigate this, so it may take a bit of to-ing and fro-ing between us to debug the problem. I'll be away for the next few days at least and my online time will be very limited, so please be patient. I'll do what I can.

Good detailed feedback, by the way. Thanks!


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