Financial data providers

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Lemon Slice
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Financial data providers

Post by yorkshirelad1 »

Does anyone have any views/recommendations/gotchas on financial data providers, online/website or PC-based software (with data download etc).

The typical culprits of the paid market seem to be amongst Sharepad, stockopedia, REFS, and the free (ish) ones seem to include DigitalLook (which I use), trustnet (although funds only)

Does anyone have any recommendations or links to comparative reviews of the usual providers (e.g. costs and services)

I'm running two medium sized portfolio (shares, investment trusts, gilts, a couple of VCTs) and two ISAs (currently adminstered by HL) for me and my sister.

I've used DigitalLook for years in a passive way (just to get information) but haven't entered portfolios. I don't mind paid or free service (you pay for what you get?).


YL (from an exceedingly wet and windy North Yorkshire)

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Re: Financial data providers

Post by kiloran »

No recommendations as such, but this might give you some ideas
http://lemonfoolfinancialsoftware.weebl ... sites.html


2 Lemon pips
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Re: Financial data providers

Post by jaizan »

Stockopedia is fine for general analysis, with many tools. However, I am not aware of any facility to download historical price data.

Yahoo has historical price data, but I have downloaded data for 3 Investment Trusts today and at least 2 out of the 3 have the incorrect prices.
We're not just talking about spikes here, but they are reporting prices that are 10% or more away from the real figures (e.g. AAS).

So if we do not know if the data is correct, it makes the Yahoo service almost useless.

Is there any alternative to Yahoo for historical price downloads ? I need something going back at least 15 years, preferably nearer 30. Needs to be free or at moderate cost.

Lemon Slice
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Joined: November 5th, 2016, 6:46 am

Re: Financial data providers

Post by bulltraderpt »



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