Online Portfolio

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Online Portfolio

Post by John »

I'm sorry if this has been discussed previously; I couldn't find helpful up to date information.

For many years I used the free online portfolio site to keep track of my many holdings in shares, unit trusts and OEICs, even cash. Unfortunately it disappeared 2 or 3 years ago, so I moved to Google UK finance's portfolio: handy, but not as good.

That's gone now.

I have a real online portfolio withTD/iii, but want a dummy portfolio to include everything, certificated and otherwise.

Is there anything else out there?


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Re: Online Portfolio

Post by Raptor »

I use Yahoo Finance. Not great but works for my Shares and ITs.


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Re: Online Portfolio

Post by tjh290633 »

For various historical reasons, I have online portfolios with DigitalLook, Trustnet, ADVFN, and Bloomberg. I find the ADVFN app very useful. The Bloomberg app less so.


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Re: Online Portfolio

Post by Urbandreamer »

I use google sheets.
It's an online spreadsheet.
Here is a link explaining how to use it for this purpose. ... -cms-28182

A quick word of warning though. Google seems to be messing with the lookup codes and sometimes the googlefinance function doesn't work.
ie =GoogleFinance(lon:AZN, "name") didn't return AstraZenica the other week (nor its price).

At that point I "scrape" the data using importhtml. However that's a bit technical for most.

A obvious advantage of using a spreadsheet is that you can use the XIRR function to see your rate of return and do other useful calculations.

For example I track predicted income at retirement and do a calculation to see how close to the pension lifetime allowance I'll be if I retire at a given date.

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Re: Online Portfolio

Post by Itsallaguess »

John wrote:
I have a real online portfolio withTD/iii, but want a dummy portfolio to include everything, certificated and otherwise.

Is there anything else out there?
iii will also allow you to set up 'Research accounts' as well as the 'Trading account' that you've already got with them.

The 'Research accounts' can be used to provide for various virtual portfolios, so may give you what you want.

If you click on the 'Log in' button on the following link, you'll be presented with both options -

and here's a link to where you can register for a 'Research account' -

I've used the virtual 'Research accounts' for years, and although I've still to get used to the latest format of portfolio information, it's still a very useful method of keeping visibility of my various real-world accounts, and also have a play with some virtual-strategies in various other portfolios too.



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Re: Online Portfolio

Post by Breelander »

John wrote:I'm sorry if this has been discussed previously; I couldn't find helpful up to date information.

For many years I used the free online portfolio.... Unfortunately it disappeared 2 or 3 years ago...
Yes, it has - many times, most recently here....
...where I said:

There was a long discussion on this in 'the old place' when Moneyextra closed their portfolio service.... ... sort=whole
... I did some comparisons back then and ended up opening an FT portfolio to run alongside my DL one. Apart from those already suggested, Morningstar looked like another good one to try. ... folio.aspx

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Re: Online Portfolio

Post by YeeWo »

Urbandreamer wrote:A obvious advantage of using a spreadsheet is that you can use the XIRR function to see your rate of return and do other useful calculations.
Input of dividends received and then getting that XIRR figure is IMHO the only way to go in terms of investment appraisal. I do an .xls every Friday, copying the previous Fridays, and updating with any new transactions and dividends received. I'll certainly have a look at "google sheets" functionality, although inputting 20 stock prices every Friday isn't really that time consuming........

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Re: Online Portfolio

Post by Urbandreamer »

YeeWo wrote:I do an .xls every Friday, copying the previous Fridays, and updating with any new transactions and dividends received. I'll certainly have a look at "google sheets" functionality, although inputting 20 stock prices every Friday isn't really that time consuming........
If you are concerened, as some may be, about private stuff being in google's hands. Then an alternative for yourself might be to download HYPUSS from the link on this board. Provided that your shares are fairly mainstream it will download the prices at the click of a button and list dividend dates at the click of another. With a bit more effort you can get it to work with AIM shares.

I use it in addition to google sheets as HYPUSS is an easy way to chart the performance of my portfolio against the FTSE100 or all share index. After all, if I'm not better than the index then perhaps I should just buy an index tracker.

However the nature of HYPUSS is that it's a file, hence checking and thinking about your investments depend upon haveing that file handy, unlike online alternatives.

I'm more hands on than you, checking my portfolio probably 3 times a day. I use the "My stocks portfolio" phone app for that. It's very good at what it does. It also provides some links to recent news on the companies that are in your portfolio and some fundimental data.

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Re: Online Portfolio

Post by jaizan »

Urbandreamer wrote:I use google sheets.

It's an online spreadsheet.
I use this. As I have several broker accounts for broking, ISA, SIPP & others, I can have the same stock with several brokers and google sheets is perfect for putting all this into one account. I can see what is in each account and the total. Plus allocation to sector, with sectors defined as I like.

As you say, there is a little bit of hassle, for example when they stopped support for Singapore stocks, I had to find some Import XML options instead.

However, I found this through google searches & other helpful people, rather than my own IT knowledge.

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