Interactive Investor again!

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Re: Interactive Investor again!

Post by G37y »

Bouleversee wrote:
What about the cases where phones have been stolen and the owner's bank account quickly emptied?

Name one.


there is a tv programme called "Phone scams don't get caught out" on channel 5 Wednesdays 8pm which runs every week, this last week had an example of just that.

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Re: Interactive Investor again!

Post by tjh290633 »

Lootman wrote:
MrFoolish wrote:I doubt they are trying to discourage PC use. After all, I can see they've made a lot of effort with the changes.
Not remotely close to my area of expertise so I will ask:

Would ii have to maintain two completely separate sets of code for the web and app versions?

Or will there be a great deal of commonality between them?
I suspect that the same database is used. The code may well be different for app and website.


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Re: Interactive Investor again!

Post by Bouleversee »

swill453 wrote:
Bouleversee wrote:What about the cases where phones have been stolen and the owner's bank account quickly emptied?
Name one.

I can't name anyone but I have read/heard of such cases in The Times, Sunday Times or possibly Money Box or some other reputable source in the past few weeks. If I come across it again, I will post details on here.

The full Lemon
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Re: Interactive Investor again!

Post by Lootman »

Bouleversee wrote:
swill453 wrote: Name one.
I can't name anyone but I have read/heard of such cases in The Times, Sunday Times or possibly Money Box or some other reputable source in the past few weeks. If I come across it again, I will post details on here.
There was the one referenced and discussed here at length.

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Re: Interactive Investor again!

Post by Bouleversee »

In one case I read about, the thief had managed to raise a loan and withdraw that cash before the account holder managed to inform the bank.

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Re: Interactive Investor again!

Post by daveh »

Bouleversee wrote:
swill453 wrote: Name one.

I can't name anyone but I have read/heard of such cases in The Times, Sunday Times or possibly Money Box or some other reputable source in the past few weeks. If I come across it again, I will post details on here.

Recently on the BBC

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Re: Interactive Investor again!

Post by pje16 »

G37y wrote: There is a tv programme called “Phone scams don't get caught out” on channel 5 Wednesdays 8pm which runs every week, this last week had an example of just that.
Many thanks as I didn't know about that show
watching episode one right now, presented by the excellent Alexis Conran who I first came across over a decade ago in the Real Hustle
If he wasn't honest he would make a good scam artist :lol:

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Re: Interactive Investor again!

Post by PeterGray »

"What about the cases where phones have been stolen and the owner's bank account quickly emptied? Doesn't sound very secure to me."

I don't know of cases, but if you stole my iPhone you would need my finger print or my face to unlock it, and again to get into ii. OK you could try cutting off my finger, it might work, but I suspect you could hack my PC with less mess.

I think reason is much more straightforward. Convenience. Customers find it very useful to be able to access their banks and brokers on the move, and they find it worth their while as businesses to please customers. That doesn't mean they stop supporting desktop based users. I use both methods regularly.

I avoid logging into my bank or broker accounts on public wifi though!

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Re: Interactive Investor again!

Post by pje16 »

PeterGray wrote: I avoid logging into my bank or broker accounts on public wifi though!
Agreed re public wi-fi
If you have to use one make sure you use a VPN ... with-a-vpn
I have one, but I still use it with caution

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Re: Interactive Investor again!

Post by 1nvest »

To access ii you need the account number/userid and password, and then the access code sent to the phone. Once in and transfers out are only to the linked bank account, where I would assume that if changed there would be a delay before actually being permitted to transfer cash to that new account. There's also the T+2 delay before sold shares actual cash becomes available.

Still vulnerable, yes. But personally I use a clean system, comparable to booting into a brand new OS (Linux), that's hard wired (ethernet) and pretty much know where my phone is or whether its been lost/stolen. I don't have online banking set up on my regular bank account and I keep that and a credit card stacked together in my wallet so any attempts at passing skim reads might be inclined to miss (wondering whether including some tin foil in your wallet might further protect against such).

I wouldn't like to use a established OS that's been used to surf here-there-everywhere and that could have had keyloggers or other hacks installed at any time, nor would I like financial transactions data flowing through even my home wifi, let alone public wifi.

Security is only as strong as the weakest link and that's usually people themselves.

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Re: Interactive Investor again!

Post by Bouleversee »

Another reason to be wary of apps in a financial context:

"Fake banking apps: dangerous 'Hook' malware that lets crooks control your phone" was the heading of an article in an email from love money today: ... sendgrid&u.

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Re: Interactive Investor again!

Post by ursaminortaur »

PeterGray wrote:"What about the cases where phones have been stolen and the owner's bank account quickly emptied? Doesn't sound very secure to me."

I don't know of cases, but if you stole my iPhone you would need my finger print or my face to unlock it, and again to get into ii. OK you could try cutting off my finger, it might work, but I suspect you could hack my PC with less mess.
There is an old adage in computer security - unrestricted physical access to the computer (in this case phone) trumps any security measures. ... -security/

Law #3: If a bad guy has unrestricted physical access to your computer, it’s not your computer anymore

And as to cutting your finger off. Mythbusters long ago showed that lifting a finger print from a cup (you leave your fingerprints everywhere), photographing it, and creating a latex copy was good enough to fool even a fairly high end fingerprint scanner.

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Re: Interactive Investor again!

Post by PeterGray »

But they would have to act quickly, or rely on me failing to realise the phone was missing, before I deleted the contents.

And were they able to break in they'd still face the problem that cash can only be paid out to my bank account, something they'd have to resolve somehow before they could do much, and which would leave plenty of time for me or ii to realise there was an issue and shut them down.

All in all it would be a serious pain in the backside, but they would be unlikely to be able to take anything from my accounts.

2 Lemon pips
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Re: Interactive Investor again!

Post by tlf67482 »

I find it interesting that the banks insist (or at least push) virus and malware detection applications when using a PC and this "important" security measure is completely ignored/not required when you use the phone app it is like mobiles do not get virus or malware.

The next time Google has a clear out of the Google Play store look at the number of users the apps had that were removed quite often in the millions!

We are probably only getting half the story from "newspaper/media" articles but it seems like the banks allow more money to be transferred without additional checks when the phone app is involved. It is an extra protection for the *bank* that they can use to not pay out for fraud.

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Re: Interactive Investor again!

Post by DrFfybes »

Dragging this thread painfully back to ii, last week I transferred some stocj to MrsF.

It has left my account, and appeared in hers. However I can find no record if this in my Transaction History on the account - it is as though the shares simply never existed. If I look at the Transaction History of the individual share it appears, but if I'd transferred all of them out the information would have vanished. They appear in her account as purchased at zero cost, so that needed some fiddling.


Lemon Slice
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Re: Interactive Investor again!

Post by doolally »

tlf67482 wrote:I find it interesting that the banks insist (or at least push) virus and malware detection applications when using a PC and this "important" security measure is completely ignored/not required when you use the phone app it is like mobiles do not get virus or malware.
I think that's because the bank has no control over the browser used to access the bank account on a PC, but they have total control over their phone app and believe they can make their app proof against malware.

2 Lemon pips
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Re: Interactive Investor again!

Post by tlf67482 »

DrFfybes wrote:Dragging this thread painfully back to ii
Yes I was going to say we need an award for the daily most off topic thread ;)
doolally wrote:I think that's because the bank has no control over the browser used to access the bank account on a PC, but they have total control over their phone app and believe they can make their app proof against malware.
I am sure I will mellow at some point but 1) smart speakers and 2) using a mobile phone app for banking do not appeal to me.

Lemon Slice
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Re: Interactive Investor again!

Post by PeterGray »

I'm with you on smart speakers, but I really wouldn't want to be without banking and broking apps on my phone!

Lemon Half
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Re: Interactive Investor again!

Post by pje16 »

Back onto II
More maintenance this Saturday from 8am until “early afternoon”
let' hope they fix some of our gripes :)

Lemon Quarter
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Re: Interactive Investor again!

Post by DrFfybes »

pje16 wrote:Back onto II
More maintenance this Saturday from 8am until “early afternoon”
let' hope they fix some of our gripes :)

TBH they won't even have had time to collate feedback and pass it through their Focus Group Consultant, let alone create a statistically adjusted anonymised multiuser contentment report to pass to the Client Interface Innovation Dept so they can carry out SWOT analysis and a Least Cost Highest Impact analysis to generate a Desirable Modifications List to pass to the Software Engneers, who'll look at it and say "we told you Frames in web pages went out in 1998 along with 640 x 480 CRT displays".

No, this weekend will be fixing bugs reported from the last update, and changing the shade of Orange.

I wonder who Beta Tests these improvements, and what their age profile is?


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