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Re: Interactive Investor again!

Posted: January 19th, 2023, 9:06 am
by Alaric
BullDog wrote: There's no problem here. Could be an issue at your end?
Perhaps. But if the tick box worked before they messed with the site and the user has made no changes to their computer or browser configuration, isn't that ii's problem rather than the user's? At the very least, they should publish a workaround as to what local settings need to change.

The first battle is to get them to admit there's a problem in the first place.

Re: Interactive Investor again!

Posted: January 19th, 2023, 9:29 am
by pje16
BullDog wrote:
terminal7 wrote:Everytime MFA - despite ticking the 30 day box.

Such a pain - surely can be resolved quickly.

There's no problem here. Could be an issue at your end?
Any suggestions
as it seemed OK yesterday after I cleared my cookies and started over, but today it's hopeless.

Re: Interactive Investor again!

Posted: January 19th, 2023, 9:44 am
by terminal7
pje16 wrote:
BullDog wrote: There's no problem here. Could be an issue at your end?
Any suggestions
as it seemed OK yesterday after I cleared my cookies and started over, but today it's hopeless.
FYI - never a problem in the past with this site over many years - furthermore no current problem with a welter of other financial sites running on same computer.


Re: Interactive Investor again!

Posted: January 19th, 2023, 11:07 am
by terminal7
Just sold a bond holding a few mins ago. There does not appear to be an ability to request 'sell complete holding' or similar. You actually have to put in the quantity. So you better get it exact.


Re: Interactive Investor again!

Posted: January 19th, 2023, 11:26 am
by Alaric
terminal7 wrote: There does not appear to be an ability to request 'sell complete holding' or similar. You actually have to put in the quantity. So you better get it exact.
Was it ever there? So is it a feature they've removed or one that could have been introduced, but wasn't.

2FA every time you login is by far the biggest pain. If they don't fix it, looking for another provider and learning a new interface starts to move up the agenda of things to do.

Re: Interactive Investor again!

Posted: January 19th, 2023, 11:53 am
by terminal7
Alaric wrote:
terminal7 wrote: There does not appear to be an ability to request 'sell complete holding' or similar. You actually have to put in the quantity. So you better get it exact.
Was it ever there? So is it a feature they've removed or one that could have been introduced, but wasn't.

2FA every time you login is by far the biggest pain. If they don't fix it, looking for another provider and learning a new interface starts to move up the agenda of things to do.
TBH I cannot remember if it was there before - a little while since last sale on this site - however other platforms I use it is there.

The problem is not selling nice round numbers such as 1,000 units but when you have holdings such as 20,258.0533 units . . . .

Granted it does show you the holding you have above the sell box - but then you have to type in the quantity.


Re: Interactive Investor again!

Posted: January 19th, 2023, 12:07 pm
by Dod101
If no one has quoted it already, the latest notice on the II website tells us

'We're pleased to share we've updated the look and feel of our website. It's all part of our plan to gradually improve your online experience with us. Rest assured you will still be able to access our services and features. Thank you.'

Wow. That is a relief!

What a meaningless piece of fatuous nonsense.


Re: Interactive Investor again!

Posted: January 19th, 2023, 12:10 pm
by EthicsGradient
Yes, there definitely was a way of selling all of a holding without typing in the full number (which can easily be 8 figures with some funds). I can't remember if it pre-filled a box, or had a button for "sell entire holding", but I've sold holdings without worrying if I've got every digit correct.

Re: Interactive Investor again!

Posted: January 19th, 2023, 12:12 pm
by pje16
Dod101 wrote:If no one has quoted it already, the latest notice on the II website tells us

'We're pleased to share we've updated the look and feel of our website. It's all part of our plan to gradually improve your online experience with us.##Rest assured you will still be able to access our services and features. Thank you.'

Wow. That is a relief!

What a meaningless piece of fatuous nonsense.

They should be sued under the Trade Descriptions Act
(yes I know it's now the Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations 2008 CPRs -but the old name has a better ring to it)
A bit like Aberdeen :lol:

Re: Interactive Investor again!

Posted: January 21st, 2023, 11:57 am
by yieldhog
At first sight the new "look and feel" seemed okay, even if a bit unecessary. After logging in and navigating several times I now find it's significantly worse than the previous layout. This morning I logged in without any problem but after trying a couple of functions I had to give up because the site kept freezing.
First of all I tried to scroll down my SIPP positions, of which there are about 27. Under the previous layout I needed to click on page 2 to see the second half of the portfolio. Under the new design I have to fiddle around with two click/hold scroll functions to get from the first half of the portfolio to the second half. Not only is this very fiddly, it also seemed to freeze after several tries and there was no way I could get to scroll down to the the second half of the portfolio. Annoying as it was before, I would prefer having to make just one click to get from the first half of positions to the second half. It would be far easier just to be able to use the scroll down arrows on my laptop rather than fiddle around finding scroll bars/clicking and holding/scrolling.

The only thing that has improved IMHO is that when I login I now see my SIPP/Joint Trading/ISA summary without having to switch between my sole name accounts and my joint trading account.

My other major gripe is the column arrangement of the portfolios. There seems to be far too much wasted white space. Now I know there is a way to change the widths of the columns, but I'm not very commputer savvy and dislike playing around with settings. Everyone has their own preferences about what and how everything is displayed, but for the record I would like to see the following layout:

Ticker, Qty, Todays Price, Price Change, % Chge, Av.Cost, Book Value, Mkt Value, Today's P/L, Position P/L

At the moment, If I want to get a quick summary of markets and my portfolio without logging on to ii then I go to Microsoft Money, which I don't rate very highly, and for more details I use Hargreaves Lansdown. It would be great if I could get all of this information from ii, even if I needed to login.


Re: Interactive Investor again!

Posted: January 21st, 2023, 2:17 pm
by Alaric
Alaric wrote:2FA every time you login is by far the biggest pain.
I've had a reply admitting there is a problem with 2FA. I will have to wait to see if it gets fixed.

Re: Interactive Investor again!

Posted: January 21st, 2023, 5:07 pm
by Newroad
Afternoon All.

I think it's, in general, an eye of the beholder/judgment thing.

I agree with many of the comments about wasted space (especially on the Portfolio View Overview screen) - I can't, for example, see all the accounts on one page. Zooming the web page to 75% sorts that for me, but I'd rather not need to do so. I also agree that the quantity vs amount for buying or selling is, initially at least, less intuitive than it used to be (though it is quite straightforward once you figure it out).

I had two actual issues which may or may not relate to the update.
  • I could not actually sell ETF's at Market Best (the implication from II's reply, acknowledging the problem, was that I could with a Limit Order, but I didn't try that). A guy placed the order over the phone for me at the web fee, so no damage done, but were I a more frequent trader, it may have been annoying. Not sure if this has been fixed yet (my guess is yes, otherwise there'd be more complaints).

    For the first time, I tried to stay logged in on one computer for a month, or 28 days, or whatever it is. This was on my work laptop, as it happens. When I got back to my home PC, I tried to log on there, but it kept logging me off, saying I was logged on somewhere else. In the end, I figured the problem out and had to log in twice, quickly, on the home PC, to "override" the login elsewhere. The default behaviour is not unreasonable IMO - equally so would be my preference that a new login immediately overrides an old one - so no big deal either way.
Conversely, I quite like some of the new configurability. Maybe it was always there, but I now have my Investment display columns ordered by
  • Ticker (with full name below), Quantity, Price, Day Price Change, % Day Price Change, Book Cost, Market Value
which works well for me. I am a big fan of emphasising the ticker rather than the name - have a look at VWRL vs VWRP for an example of why.

Regards, Newroad

Re: Interactive Investor again!

Posted: January 21st, 2023, 8:11 pm
by 88V8
Newroad wrote:Conversely, I quite like some of the new configurability.
I would like the site just to work, like any other site, without me having to configure it.
Who designed this nonsense... a bunch of digital native geeks, bent on destroying a site that worked perfectly well.

Let's see if your reconfiguring is still there next time you log in .... mine wasn't.

I sent them another complaint today.


Re: Interactive Investor again!

Posted: January 21st, 2023, 8:50 pm
by Avantegarde
I have spotted some problems too. Pages keep freezing. A cash withdrawal took hours to be recorded within the ii system. I had no idea if it had gone through or if I had been dreaming. If I use the drop down menu to see transactions for the past two years it fails to display them.

Re: Interactive Investor again!

Posted: January 21st, 2023, 8:56 pm
by Avantegarde
At least some of the car crash of competing typefaces and font sizes seems to have been swept away.

Re: Interactive Investor again!

Posted: January 21st, 2023, 10:23 pm
by Newroad
Hi 88V8.

I can confirm my column configurations are persistent (including the ordering from top to bottom by "Market Value" of the final column).

What I would note, though, is that it is on a "per (sub) account" basis. You need to configure each sub-account's configuration as you wish it, which is what I've done with each of the four (ISA, SIPP, 2 * JISA). As it happens, I prefer to have them the same, but one need not.

Regards, Newroad

Re: Interactive Investor again!

Posted: January 22nd, 2023, 10:54 am
by monabri
I sent a secure message to ii on 18th January outling a few of the problems (with a name drop to TLF!)

"Dear sir
It is becoming increasingly clear that the new platform software has been insufficiently tested. I have now been crashed out of the platform 5 times. The crashes all lead to a generic error message.

"You have been logged out because your account has been accessed on another computer, browser or device.
For your security, you can only be logged in to your account at one location.
If you login here again you will automatically be logged out from the other location."

(The error message is erroneous)

This happens randomly but it is when I select something from the menu options.

In addition the 2FA "remember for 30 days" is not working...Every time I log on, on the same device, I am prompted for a 6 digit code ( despite having ticked the remember box).

As a member of The Lemon Fool site (~ 7000 investors) I see these same issues being discussed so I am aware that it not finger trouble and isolated problems.

Yours sincerely

Reply from interactive investor

Thank you for your secure message dated 18/01/2023.

We are aware of customer's web sessions being ended when navigating between some of our old and new pages. This is being caused by a number of scenarios, notably using the browser back and forwards, or opening a link as a new tab.

The current work around is for customers to use the menu navigation within the website itself, rather than using the browser buttons. Also please do not open another window and keep to a single window when in the site.

My colleague in the IT Team has advised the following regarding the issue with remembering you for 30 days:

“I’ve yet to have an update on this. I have just fully tested this myself though. This can only be sorted with a “Cookies and Cache” clear.

As the new website has a new log in system, the “Remember My Browser” section is under a new “Cookie”. The customer needs to accept the new cookies for this to work, this can only be done by clearing them and starting again.”

When you use a browser, such as Chrome, it saves some information from websites in its cache and cookies. Clearing them fixes certain problems, such as loading or formatting issues on sites. Cookies and cache are a part of your browsing history, and saved information/settings.

Please type into google 'how to clear my cookies and cache' for the specific browser / device you are using. Or most browsers you can do this by pressing Control – Shift – Delete (at the same time). This should take you directly to the cookies and cache screen. This should work if you’re using a windows machine on the browsers like Chrome, Edge, Firefox (essentially anything that isn’t Safari).

If clearing your cookies and cache does not resolve this, please update your browser if needs be, or try a different browser. I do apologise for the inconvenience.

We trust that we have answered your questions, however please do let us know if we can do anything else for you. You can continue to write to us by secure message. Our response time is usually within a few days, however, in times of high volume, we can take up to 5 days. If your enquiry is more urgent, please call us on 0345 607 6001.
Best regards,
[NAME REMOVED by monabri]
interactive investor


"The current work around is for customers to use the menu navigation within the website itself" - That's what I am doing ( "This happens randomly but it is when I select something from the menu options) and it causes crashes.

Re: Interactive Investor again!

Posted: January 22nd, 2023, 12:25 pm
by 88V8
monabri wrote:I have now been crashed out of the platform 5 times.
In addition the 2FA "remember for 30 days" is not working...
The 2Fa / 30 days has never worked for me on the old site - I routinely use InPrivate so it won't, but at least the text arrives quickly.

No crashes for me - FF/W7 - at least not yet.
Newroad wrote:I can confirm my column configurations are persistent (including the ordering from top to bottom by "Market Value" of the final column).
That's good to know.
I shall also need to 'configure' the Transactions page as the Debits and Balance are invisible off to the right.
Mind you, why the hell I should have to 'configure' to make the site usable....

Another annoyance is that the instant current price as per the Classic View has vanished... now if I want a current price for an item of held stock I get tipped into Morning Star and then have to go back to the portfolio. How is that an improvement?
Nothing is better than it was that I can see.

And I shall have to 'configure' my wife's account as she like most people has no idea.....


Re: Interactive Investor again!

Posted: January 22nd, 2023, 12:51 pm
by pje16
monabri wrote:I sent a secure message to ii on 18th January outling a few of the problems (with a name drop to TLF!)

"Dear sir
You have been logged out because your account has been accessed on another computer, browser or device.
For your security, you can only be logged in to your account at one location.
This happened to mean when I right-clicked on "help"
so I was not "on another computer, browser or device"
it just shows how dopey (rather, down right stupid) their webcoders are :roll:
I also sent them a link to this thread
I do hope they read it and more importantly take action to fix the site (my vote goes to putting it back how it was)
I did ask them what are the improvements on the new version that was almost a week ago, and I have had no reply
Funny that :D

Re: Interactive Investor again!

Posted: January 22nd, 2023, 12:55 pm
by monabri
pje16 wrote:
monabri wrote:I sent a secure message to ii on 18th January outling a few of the problems (with a name drop to TLF!)

"Dear sir
You have been logged out because your account has been accessed on another computer, browser or device.
For your security, you can only be logged in to your account at one location.
This happened to mean when I right-clicked on "help"
so I was not "on another computer, browser or device"
it just shows how dopey (rather, down right stupid) their webcoders are :roll:
I know that.
You know that.
ii are in denial!