Interactive Investor again!

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The full Lemon
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Re: Interactive Investor again!

Post by Lootman »

Gerry557 wrote:I would have been a bit miffed if I'd sold some rather than all. I could cancel the limit order next time if I remember. Is this a fault? Or just poor design. It may have been like that pre update.
It makes some sense to stop you potentially having a short position that you did not want. But it could be handled more transparently.

As a habit I always cancel any limit orders before placing a market order.

The full Lemon
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Re: Interactive Investor again!

Post by Dod101 »

Gerry557 wrote:I don't know if this is an issue or just the way things worked.

I thought one of my shares was on an acceptable price so logged in on the phone. Via portfolio to the share and clicked on sell.

There is an option for a monetary value or number of shares. I clicked on the later and input the value showing on the screen, clicked on sell.

The amount didn't seem right so didn't proceed with the sale. The number of shares was less than my total. I have previously set a limit order sell so suspect that it discounted these from my total to make the sell number.

I would have been a bit miffed if I'd sold some rather than all. I could cancel the limit order next time if I remember. Is this a fault? Or just poor design. It may have been like that pre update.
I really do not think that you can blame II for that. You gave them an order which surely you would expect them to stand by until you countermand it or it is timed out.


Lemon Half
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Re: Interactive Investor again!

Post by pje16 »

I have moaned a lot about the new site
but have just done my first order and that went fine

Lemon Pip
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Re: Interactive Investor again!

Post by LittleDorrit »

Spoke too soon. My personalised column settings have all been lost when I came to log in the next day!

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Re: Interactive Investor again!

Post by gnawsome »

pje16 wrote:
ursaminortaur wrote:but it doesn't look like they have done much testing.

Quite clearly they should have left it how it was
It wasn't broken and it worked fine
Who were the brains behind this, it doesn't bode well for the future

Suggests 'the devil makes work for idle hands...'

Lemon Quarter
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Re: Interactive Investor again!

Post by Gerry557 »

pje16 wrote:OK,
I have moaned a lot about the new site
but have just done my first order and that went fine
I have finally managed to do a trade on a pc. Unfortunately when I pressed the sell button the timed trade was off screen so didnt get pressed and it took a few minutes and attempts to work it out. Simple when you know :shock:

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Re: Interactive Investor again!

Post by Gerry557 »

Dod101 wrote:
Gerry557 wrote:I don't know if this is an issue or just the way things worked.

I thought one of my shares was on an acceptable price so logged in on the phone. Via portfolio to the share and clicked on sell.

There is an option for a monetary value or number of shares. I clicked on the later and input the value showing on the screen, clicked on sell.

The amount didn't seem right so didn't proceed with the sale. The number of shares was less than my total. I have previously set a limit order sell so suspect that it discounted these from my total to make the sell number.

I would have been a bit miffed if I'd sold some rather than all. I could cancel the limit order next time if I remember. Is this a fault? Or just poor design. It may have been like that pre update.
I really do not think that you can blame II for that. You gave them an order which surely you would expect them to stand by until you countermand it or it is timed out.

As you and lootman highlight, it could be my misunderstanding of the system and might have something to do with the changes as I couldnt find the timed sell button on the PC.

You used to be able to add some funds and make a number of Limit orders in the hope one kicks in. Now it "allocates" the fund so you cant have more or have to do smaller pots. I can semi understand why but I preferred the former system.

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Re: Interactive Investor again!

Post by SalvorHardin »

I gave the system a good test this afternoon with two small topups, both in American companies, limit order with settlement in US dollars and market price settled in sterling. Plus a small UK sale with settlement in Canadian dollars (for a future topup of Canadian Pacific).

I didn't have any problems in getting the deals done. For me it's a case of getting used to the new layout.

As to the features, all I am concerned about is that the shareholdings, dividends and payments are correct, as are the contract notes, and that trades are processed reasonably quickly. So far, so good.

I don't give a stuff about book cost and historic records as I keep my own records (some of my holdings are split between several brokers). From experience online brokerages aren't particularly good at apportioning costs when companies are spun out of their parent company.

Lemon Half
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Re: Interactive Investor again!

Post by pje16 »

pje16 wrote:
ursaminortaur wrote:but it doesn't look like they have done much testing.
Quite clearly they should have left it how it was
It wasn't broken and it worked fine
Who were the brains behind this, it doesn't bode well for the future
Thank you for the votes

Below is the message trail

My first message
Site update
Why having a scrolling window inside the main one
You have now added funds in with equities, they were separate before
Gone is the daily gain/loss total
and the clever one click toggle expanding view of each holding, it now has to open an entire page
WHY fix what wasn't broken
you can guess I don't like it

Their response
I am sorry to hear you are experiencing issues with our new website. I apologise for any inconveniences this may have caused you. I will refer this information to the relevant department for feedback. You can amend the view you have on the investment page. To do this, please click on the three dots to the left of the 'group by' option on the investment page, to add/remove different columns depending on how you want to view your investments.

My reply
Thank you for your reply
Yes you can click on the dots and arrange, but that is a waste of time as it does not remember the setting the next time you login on
Also, the 30 day "remember my login" does not work, I have to use MFA every day
Why did I have to see a large box telling me I have 2 Corporate actions, I should be able to turn that on/off

I am a member of a financial forum and if you look at the link below you will see I am not alone in thinking the update has given us nothing worthwhile and taken away a lot that was good ... 00#p562167

Please just tell me why it was done, what is better now than before

Let's see if they listen

Lemon Half
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Re: Interactive Investor again!

Post by mc2fool »

pje16 wrote:Yes you can click on the dots and arrange, but that is a waste of time as it does not remember the setting the next time you login on
Also, the 30 day "remember my login" does not work, I have to use MFA every day
Both remembering the column settings and the 30 day "remember my login" work for me, so maybe it's worth looking at your cookie settings for the site?

(The column settings appear to be saved by account rather than by device, but possibly your MFA problem, which is to do with cookies, is also affecting them?)

P.S. I'm using Firefox

Lemon Half
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Re: Interactive Investor again!

Post by pje16 »

mc2fool wrote:
pje16 wrote:Yes you can click on the dots and arrange, but that is a waste of time as it does not remember the setting the next time you login on
Also, the 30 day "remember my login" does not work, I have to use MFA every day
Both remembering the column settings and the 30 day "remember my login" work for me, so maybe it's worth looking at your cookie settings for the site?

(The column settings appear to be saved by account rather than by device, but possibly your MFA problem, which is to do with cookies, is also affecting them?)

P.S. I'm using Firefox
Thanks, I am on Firefox too and do allow cookies
but I will double-check my settings now

Edit: just looked in Exceptions and I have nothing in that list

Lemon Quarter
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Re: Interactive Investor again!

Post by 88V8 »

pje16 wrote:
mc2fool wrote: Both remembering the column settings and the 30 day "remember my login" work for me, so maybe it's worth looking at your cookie settings for the site?
Thanks, I am on Firefox too and do allow cookies
Edit: just looked in Exceptions and I have nothing in that list
I don't allow cookies and don't see why I should have to create an exception to make their site work, of all the sites I use that work perfectly well, but I have just added them to Exceptions in FF Settings.
However, what I have added is so whether that will work when I am in my account, I have no idea.

I still want the Classic View reinstated. It just... worked.


Lemon Half
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Re: Interactive Investor again!

Post by pje16 »

88V8 wrote:
pje16 wrote: Thanks, I am on Firefox too and do allow cookies
Edit: just looked in Exceptions and I have nothing in that list
I don't allow cookies and don't see why I should have to create an exception to make their site work, of all the sites I use that work perfectly well, but I have just added them to Exceptions in FF Settings.
However, what I have added is so whether that will work when I am in my account, I have no idea.

I still want the Classic View reinstated. It just... worked.

I didn't like the Classic view, but it might be better than what has been forced upon us
How do you get it?
Or do you mean it used to work?

Lemon Half
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Re: Interactive Investor again!

Post by Alaric »

mc2fool wrote: Also, the 30 day "remember my login" does not work, I have to use MFA every day

I'm using Firefox as well and neither the login nor column settings are being saved. I haven't made any changes to cookie settings since the "upgrade".

They've tampered with the "remember login" settings as it used to be browser based rather than device based. Thus if you usually used Firefox and decided to give Chrome a try, you had to 2FA. The tick box explicitly said "remember browser" whilst now it says "remember device".

It seems to remember 2FA login details during the same day. That's just as well as it seems to force logout when you use a back button, complaining that you are logged in on another device.

It is showing signs of not being properly tested with practical use of a login every day.

Lemon Half
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Re: Interactive Investor again!

Post by monabri »

Alaric wrote:
mc2fool wrote: Also, the 30 day "remember my login" does not work, I have to use MFA every day

I'm using Firefox as well and neither the login nor column settings are being saved. I haven't made any changes to cookie settings since the "upgrade".

They've tampered with the "remember login" settings as it used to be browser based rather than device based. Thus if you usually used Firefox and decided to give Chrome a try, you had to 2FA. The tick box explicitly said "remember browser" whilst now it says "remember device".

It seems to remember 2FA login details during the same day. That's just as well as it seems to force logout when you use a back button, complaining that you are logged in on another device.

It is showing signs of not being properly tested with practical use of a login every day.
I am experiencing the same problem and I am definitely ticking the remember the device for 30 days box.

Lemon Half
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Re: Interactive Investor again!

Post by pje16 »

Alaric wrote: It is showing signs of not being properly tested with practical use of a login every day.
Yep spot on - I wonder who are the clowns they use as beta testers (if they exist)
The only bonus now is that News Feed is well hidden away and there is no annoying red flag at the top of the screen

WHY oh WHY do we need a huge quote bar at the bottom of the screen :roll:

Lemon Pip
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Re: Interactive Investor again!

Post by LittleDorrit »

The hours I've wasted on this "x" a very modest charge our rate of £30/hour should at the very least entitle me to a significant reduction in the annual subscription price.

Lemon Quarter
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Re: Interactive Investor again!

Post by Breelander »

pje16 wrote:WHY oh WHY do we need a huge quote bar at the bottom of the screen :roll:
That has been there since the days of TD Waterhouse, long before ii bought them and inherited the platform software. I'm glad to see it's still there.

I use it every time I am considering a trade. It's by far the quickest and most convenient way to get a real time price for any share I may be looking at. The only other way to see a real time price would to set up a trade.

Lemon Half
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Re: Interactive Investor again!

Post by pje16 »

It's broken
Watchlists would not load and now all my investments have vanished :roll:

Edit they are back
but watchlists are broken

Lemon Pip
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Re: Interactive Investor again!

Post by LittleDorrit »

Well I was dumped on here by Alliance Trust Savings and without a quote button in sight untill this week. On day one it called up a non existant box on my screen, but that now at least seems to be debugged and I can see the possible use.
I have to say that the original Alliance management wern't ones to waste money on such trivia.

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