Prawns with chorizo butter reduction sauce.

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Lemon Slice
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Joined: November 9th, 2016, 6:14 pm

Prawns with chorizo butter reduction sauce.

Post by johnstevens77 »

Following on from my last post about chickens and chicken stock, I made this dish for a farewell dinner for my son who at last managed to get back to his home in Berlin after two unexpecxted months with us in UK. The lock down interrupted his flights.
Ingredients: Saffron rice pilaf with diced cooked red pepper, well reduced jelly like chicken stock, butter, shallots, spanish cooking chorizo, lightly chopped flat leaf parsley and shelled, raw prawns.
Method: Make the saffron pilaf rice as usual*, put into ramekins when you are ready to serve and invert them onto the plate, leave the ramekin on top. Butter an oven proof frying pan, (I use a 30 year old black iron frying pan), butterfly the prawns, lightly season them and pour a little meted butter over them, lightly cook them under a very hot grill only when ready to plate up. Make the sauce without the butter in advance; cook small diced chorizo in butter and remove, keep on the side, add the finely chopped shallots to the pan to cook and then add the well reduced chicken stock with the chorizo, reduce to a syrupy consistency. Reheat when ready to serve, and with the pan on a gentle heat whisk in cubes of unsalted butter to thicken and enrichen the sauce, add a little freshly ground black pepper and the parsley. Cook the prawns, about 2 mins, no more, they should only just turn a light shade of pink. Pour the sauce around the ramekins of saffron rice, arrange the just cooked prawns around and then lift the ramekin off the rice. Serve and enjoy with a nice crisp dry white wine.
This dish was made on the spure of the moment with what I had to hand.
Notes; I could have used prawns in the shell and made a sauce with the shells and fish stock but I had no fish stock and the prawns were from the freezer, having bought them a couple of months ago, RFQS. I could also have added some dry cured smoked streaky bacon lardons with the chorizo but I decided not to.
* Saffron rice. Dry roast the saffon in a saucepan, carefull not to burn it, add butter and chopped onion or shallot and cook under cover, add one measure of washed Basmati rice with the red pepper and 1½ measures of good chicken or veal stock (or use Chicken Stock Pot), season, bring to a rolling boil, cover with a tight fitting lid and reduce the heat to a minimum, (I use number 1 setting on the induction cooker), cook 18 mintes exactly and leave to rest at least a couple of minutes before using, but do test it first to make sure that is is cooked. I never have any problems with that though.


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