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Depositor protection

Posted: August 25th, 2020, 7:54 pm
by 1nvest
Saw a (FB) posting where Australians are expressing concerns about a recent legislation (Banking Amendment (Deposits) Bill 2020) that has them aligning with other G20's where bank deposit protections DON'T apply if the bank is 'bailed-in' and where depositors could lose their deposits under such conditions. i.e. the £85,000 protection amount only applies if the bank fails and its ruled that deposits aren't going to be utilised to bail-out the bank (which in the UK's case applies under a EU legislation).

In short, is the £85,000 depositor protection now subjective to the whim of whether its deemed appropriate for the taxpayer or depositors to bail out the bank?

Re: Depositor protection

Posted: August 25th, 2020, 7:59 pm
by scrumpyjack
No, deposits up to £85,000 are 'protected deposits' not subject to the bail in provisions ... ce%20sheet.