Digtal Secure Keys - Good or bad?

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Lemon Slice
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Joined: November 6th, 2016, 8:14 am

Digtal Secure Keys - Good or bad?

Post by raybarrow »

Hi Folks,

I do my banking online via computer. Also have the banking apps, but more for info than hard use. I don't tend to do online banking whilst walking the streets or sat in a coffee shop.

From September, First Direct are going to requires us to use either a Digital Secure Key (via the app) or Secure Key (little keyring device via the computer). No longer able to log in using Memorable data etc. For security I'm sure that's a good thing.

Question is what are the disadvantages of App vs computer security? At the moment I am tossing a coin so to speak.
Random thoughts - Loose/break phone (account linked to the one phone), computer dies( but we have more than one), can't get phone signal, paying for data could be expensive abroad (but how likely I am to use it there in a non-emergency),


Lemon Half
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Joined: November 4th, 2016, 6:11 pm

Re: Digtal Secure Keys - Good or bad?

Post by swill453 »

Computer dying isn't a problem, the dongle isn't tied to any particular computer. You can use it to log in on anything, for example online banking in a browser on your phone, or even (presumably) the app on your phone.

Having said that, I use the secure key facility on the app on my phone. I do log in from anywhere, so want the convenience. Lack of phone signal wouldn't be an issue as it can obviously use wi-fi if available, and if it's not then you couldn't log in anyway!

I accept the risk of losing or breaking the phone, as a fallback until I'd get a replacement then phone banking would suffice.


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