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Telephone Banking

Posted: August 2nd, 2018, 10:22 am
by XFool
Following Nationwide's decision to limit its Telphone Banking service, there have been the usual anguished outcries in the usual places:

This is Money

I did think it must still be a useful service for some who, for whatever reason, don't use the Internet. But I was still very surprised by the low numbers quoted when I read the following paragraph:

"But Nationwide says fewer than 2,000 people a year use telephone banking to make payments, while only around 50 people use it as their sole way of making payments."

Re: Telephone Banking

Posted: August 2nd, 2018, 10:28 am
by PinkDalek
XFool wrote: "But Nationwide says fewer than 2,000 people a year use telephone banking to make payments, while only around 50 people use it as their sole way of making payments."
Would those 50 be the ones who don't even use cash or cheques?

I still use Barclays telephone banking on occasion but I can't recall why I did the last time. Maybe the router was playing up.

Re: Telephone Banking

Posted: August 2nd, 2018, 10:30 am
by swill453
I've been a First Direct customer for over 20 years. Back when telephone banking was the only way, they would always answer on the first ring.

Since internet banking became ubiquitous, I've had very little need to call them, but up until a couple of years ago they were still very quick to answer if I ever needed to call.

Recently I've had to call them on a couple of occasions, and the phone wasn't picked up for ages. I guess they dedicate far less staff for telephone banking these days.


Re: Telephone Banking

Posted: August 2nd, 2018, 10:56 am
by Watis
I have always had a positive experience with First Direct telephone banking. Calls are always answered promptly

Notably, on one occasion the call (from my mobile) dropped, the agent phoned me straight back. This saved me having to go through the validation routine again so at the end of the call I confirmed how helpful I had found that.


Re: Telephone Banking

Posted: August 2nd, 2018, 11:18 am
by XFool
Watis wrote:I have always had a positive experience with First Direct telephone banking. Calls are always answered promptly
I used telephone banking originally years ago with Girobank. I was an early customer of National Giro and it was my bank for decades, back in the day when most people just couldn't comprehend the notion of a bank with no high street branches! Long before even First Direct.

Long gone, of course...

Re: Telephone Banking

Posted: August 9th, 2018, 9:08 am
by XFool
Latest on this, wrt Nationwide:

"Nationwide Building Society delays plans to scale back telephone banking after customer backlash"

This is Money