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Re: Paying in cheques by mobile

Posted: September 21st, 2018, 5:26 pm
by BobbyD
Paying in cheques using BOS app is an absolute doddle... even gives you nice instructions such as lift the camera up, right a bit, hold the camera level...

Re: Paying in cheques by mobile

Posted: September 21st, 2018, 11:46 pm
by midnightcatprowl
Halifax are over the line: ... -deposits/
Mmmm well I am a Halifax Customer. I mostly bank online and rarely need to pay in cheques but oddly enough HMRC still send you cheques through the post sometimes. Recently HMRC declared to me in a letter that they owed me £8.20 or thereabouts. I'm still not entirely sure why but there you go. The last time I went to the branch to pay in a cheque they urged me to get the app for my phone so that I could pay in cheques without traipsing to the branch (and it is a traipse). So I got the app and all was looking good until I discovered that HMRC issue cheques in a colour of ink on a colour of paper which make it almost impossible to photo to a sufficient standard for the app to accept it.


Re: Paying in cheques by mobile

Posted: September 22nd, 2018, 10:17 pm
by BobbyD
Happy to say Virgin Rail refund cheques and mobile phone cashback cheques both worked without a hitch. Did you try improving the lighting?