PAYM phone payment system

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Lemon Slice
Posts: 467
Joined: November 8th, 2016, 8:28 am

PAYM phone payment system

Post by feder1 »

We have just discovered this payment system since we were wondering how to pay the window cleaner but without using plastic paper and metal. We did have his mobile number.

We asked ourselves why the African MPesa system hadn,t been taken on board by UK banks and to our shock discovered that Nationwide and a load of other banks had launched PAYM in April 2014!

This might be useful.

Does anyone use this method?

Lemon Half
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Joined: November 4th, 2016, 8:17 pm

Re: PAYM phone payment system

Post by UncleEbenezer »

I recollect setting up somesuch facility (though not which bank it was). But I never found anyone else using it - at least not anyone I had reason to pay money to (or vice versa). When I first had it I tried every opportunity: for example, if a friend had bought theatre or concert tickets for a group including me (damn, those were the days).

On the other hand, I've had no problem paying regular or semi-regular payees (including a window cleaner) by simple online payments: they just give me a bank account number, I set them up, and use it each time a payment is due.

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