Reasons to keep holding NS&I index-linked savings certificates

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Lemon Slice
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Joined: October 5th, 2018, 1:40 pm

Reasons to keep holding NS&I index-linked savings certificates

Post by yorkshirelad1 »

In the light of various discussions on LF and changes (e.g. change from RPI to CPI in May 2019), I've been thinking about reasons to continue to hold money in index-linked savings certificates (SC) (I don't hold any fixed rate SCs), compared to other thngs like investments (shares & investments trusts) and ISAs as part of a balanced set of assets:
  • no tax for UK holders and no need to report on annual tax return
  • no need for an IFA (I suspect they don't care for SCs much) and no IFA fees
  • hedge against inflation (which is quite hard to find)
  • cash holdings in e.g. a bank would only be covered up to £85k FSCS (or whatever the limit currently is); NS&I is backed by the govt (no FSCS limit...?) and limit is higher; also bear in mind any Premium bonds that might be held
Any other thoughts/comments/suggestions/ideas?

Personally, I'm staying put at the moment

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