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Re: Overt political bias

Posted: April 27th, 2023, 10:41 am
by XFool
...and another thing! What exactly IS a "political opinion", and what is not, on TLF?

This is certainly a past beef between me and TLF. I've said it before and I'll say it again: "I'm not really a very political person". (In the Party Political sense)

I am more interested in other things (unfortunately, some of those things seem unavoidably politically adjacent, or 'involved').

Re: Overt political bias

Posted: April 27th, 2023, 10:42 am
by swill453
Lootman wrote:Then I guess I would need to see examples of these alleged "right wing" comments, because I have not noticed any.
Going by many of the posts on this thread, it seems you haven't been looking too hard.


Re: Overt political bias

Posted: April 27th, 2023, 10:45 am
by Lootman
swill453 wrote:
Lootman wrote:Then I guess I would need to see examples of these alleged "right wing" comments, because I have not noticed any.
Going by many of the posts on this thread, it seems you haven't been looking too hard.
So you don't have an example then? Not even one out of the "too many"?

I would be fascinated to see something you regard as right-wing, as I am very confident that many here would not see it as such.

Re: Overt political bias

Posted: April 27th, 2023, 10:47 am
by swill453
Lootman wrote:I would be fascinated to see something you regard as right-wing, as I am very confident that many here would not see it as such.
So am I, and I've already said as much in this thread.


Re: Overt political bias

Posted: April 27th, 2023, 10:49 am
by XFool
Lootman wrote:So you don't have an example then? Not even one out of the "too many"?

I would be fascinated to see something you regard as right-wing, as I am very confident that many here would not see it as such.

Re: Overt political bias

Posted: April 27th, 2023, 10:49 am
by servodude
swill453 wrote:
Lootman wrote:If you think there are "too many" right-wing comments here then what tells me is that you hold left-wing views, and so "right" to you would be "moderate" or "centrist" to many others.
That's not the only logical conclusion. Someone who held moderate or centrist views could consider there to be too many right wing views here.

I have to say that I don't think there's a quota to be filled on which bucket one might consider a post to fall

All a discussion forum can be in this regard is at best a selective vox pop

I'm In the middle of preparing the part of my tax return (EOFY seasons starts early in Aus) that allows me to deduct my contributions to my preferred "centre right" funding body ( :roll: I know! ) which I wasn't aware is what they were when I donated

Ideas stand and fall on their merit

As soon as someone tries to use the position on "their" imagined spectrum of an argument to ignore, or repudiate a point or position they become at best cargo cultist
- and I mean that with genuinely no ill will to folk who do so as a knee jerk reaction because it's so bloody common in media and political discourse

- but as a leftist/right-winger/hardline-centrist I would say that ;)

at this point I'll defer to Johnny Cash ... n_the_Left
..and probably get drafted! ;)

Re: Overt political bias

Posted: April 27th, 2023, 10:50 am
by servodude
XFool wrote:...LOL!
Hey I'm trying to hitch a ride to Damascus. Is this the right road?

Re: Overt political bias

Posted: April 27th, 2023, 10:56 am
by Clariman
Moderator Message:
The 'Suggestions to Improve the Site' board is for constructive suggestions about how we can enhance the site. The original post may or may not have been a constructive suggestion, but I have given the site response. The rest of the discussion is off topic so I will lock it and may prune it when I have nore time.